MARAMA/NESCAUM/LADCO Project: MARAMA/NESCAUM/LADCO Project: Source Apportionment of Air Quality Monitoring Data: Paired Aerosol / Trajectory Database Analysis Tool Development R. Husar, K. Hoijarvi, J. Colson, S. Falke, CAPITA Project Officer, Serpil Kayin, MARAMA Project Period: September 2002 – July 2003 Notes for Workshop on: Trajectories and Source Apportionment October 22, 2002 Trajectories and Source Apportionment
Background Establishing aerosol source-receptor relationship relies on many different techniques, including chemical fingerprinting, source apportionment and and meteorological back-trajectory analysis. Source attribution results (PMF and UNMIX) for 16 receptor sites between Illinois and New England using IMPROVE and CastNet data have been completed by a previous project, Source Apportionment Analysis of IMPROVE and Castnet Data.Source Apportionment Analysis of IMPROVE and Castnet Data Gridded back-trajectory data for the 16 sites and about 1000 sample days, calculated as “hours per 80 x 80 km grid cell”, provided by Paul Wishinski, VT DEC, based on ATAD trajectories calculated for the IMPROVE/CASTNET sites by Kristi Gebhart, CIRA.. The goal of the current project is to transfer the chemical and trajectory data into a relational database and to develop a data query and analysis tool for the combined datasets.
Trajectory Tools Project Options VIEWS Database Compatibility Make the chemical-trajectory exploration tool compatible with the evolving VIEWS database at CIRA, Colorado State U.: –insuring consistency of the data base schema –query tools compatibility –data presentation compatibility Dynamic Trajectory Aggregation Online filtering and aggregation of trajectory data –ad hoc gridding, contouring at arbitrary grid resolution –alternative rendering, e.g. trajectory bundles, instead of residence time contours
Data Input: PMF and UNMIX Model Results The results of the Battelle/Sonoma modeling project are source profiles and time series for each source contribution at each location Prepared by Battelle and Sonoma Tech. Inc. Source attribution results (PMF and UNMIX) for 16 receptor sites between Illinois and New England using IMPROVE and CastNet data have been completed by a previous project.previous project
From Clarkson/ VTDEC study: At Underhill VT, 7 of 11 PMF Sources had Similar UNMIX Counterparts - with highly correlated mass contributions & similar mass compositions. Slopes & (Correlations - R) of similar sources
Biomass Smoke Avg. Mass:2.4 ug/m3 (32%) Species:OC, EC, S, K Summer Maximum East Coast Residual Oil Avg. Mass:0.38 ug/m3 (5%) Species: OC, EC, S, Si, Ni, V Winter Maximum Secondary Coal Avg. Mass:3.2 ug/m3 (42%) Species: S, OC, EC, Na Summer Maximum Combining Chemical Fingerprints and Transport, Lye Brook, NH Aerosol Source Type and Transport Origin Analysis Wishinski and Poirot (2002) Based on Positive Matrix Factorization, PMF results from B. Coutant and ATAD trajectories from K. Gebhart
Database: Combined Aerosol/Trajectory Database Schema SQL Query to retrieve the aggregated trajectory restime for ACADIA when Nickel data are available SELECT Restime_Fact.grid_id, SUM(Restime_Fact.grid_hr) FROMObs_Fact INNER JOIN Restime_Fact ON Obs_Fact.loc_code = Restiem_Fact.loc_code AND Obs_Fact.datetime = Restime_Fact.datetime WHEREObs_Fact.parameter = “NI” AND Obs_Fact.datetime BETWEEN ‘1/1/2000’ AND ‘1/1/2002’ AND Obs_Fact.loc_code = ‘ACAD’ GROUP BY Restime_Fact.grid_id ORDER BY Resteim_Fact.grid_id
Seasonal Residence Time e.g. Sum ResTime for Loc=LYBR, Date between June-Sept Lye Brook, DJF Gr Smoky Mtn, JJA Lye Brook, JJA Gr Smoky Mtn, JJA
Back-trajectory for temporal peak PMF Cluster Trends Airmass history during the PM25 peak. Smoke? PMF cluster data eliminated during the C. American smoke. Why?
Back-trajectory for the spatial peak On Oct 10, 2005, high PM2.5 peak over GA-TN Air was re-circulating for 5 days, PM2.5 was probably ‘homegrown’. By Nov 5, clean air was penetrating swiftly from the NW.
Dvoy Examples Gr Smoky Mtn ResTime/Trajectory Comparison Bondville ResTime, 1day, 10 Day 100 Day aggregate 1 Day aggregate 10 Day 100 Day Bondville Residence Time Dec Jan Feb Jun Jul Aug Lye Brook Residence Time Dec Jan Feb Jun Jul Aug Gr Smoky Mtn Residence Time Dec Jan Feb Jun Jul Aug Gr Smoky Mtn Recirculation
Select, Overlay, Explore; Multidimensional data Maintain Distributed Data; Heterogeneous coding, access Connect providers to users; Homogenize data access Voyager Spatio-Temporal Data Explorer Built and Used by a Virtual Community Layered Map Time Chart ProvidersUsers Vector GIS Data XDim Data SQL Table Web Images Voyager Web Services Publish, Find, Bind Data & Tool Catalog Uniform Access/Retrieval Scatter Chart
SQL Server Data Access though a Web Service Portal Service Broker Publish UDDI, WSDL Service Consumer Find UDDI, WSDL Access SOAP, XML Ordinary web content can be delivered as a Web Service through a Proxy Server. The Portal Server supplies a web server-to-web-service ‘adapter’ The Portal Server publishes the web service to the Broker The User accesses the Portal to get the distributed Web Server data DataSets TimeView LocView Star Schema DimTables FactTable Service User Chain Service Portal