Viewpoints Chapter 6, Section 2
Latitude and Longitude An imaginary grid system used to accurately locate any point on Earth.
Latitude and Longitude Equator Imaginary line half way between the north and south poles. Separates Earth into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.
Latitude and Longitude Lines of Latitude (parallels) Lines that run parallel to the equator
Latitude and Longitude Distance north or south of the equator. Measured in degrees (0 to 90 N or S). Degrees are broken into minutes and seconds.
Latitude and Longitude Prime Meridian Imaginary line that runs from the north pole to the south pole through the Greenwich Observatory. Intersects the equator at 90 degrees. Divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres.
Latitude and Longitude Lines of Longitude (meridians) Lines on either side of the prime meridian. All lines of longitude meet at the poles.
Latitude and Longitude Distance east or west of the prime meridian. Measured in degrees (0 to 180 E or W)
Latitude and Longitude How to write latitude and longitude Coordinates are always written with latitude first. Ex: (45° N, 100° W)
Time Zones Time Zones Earth is divided into 24 time zones. Each time zone is approximately 15 degrees wide (longitude). Adjusted for political boundaries.
Calendar Dates International Date Line Located near the 180 degree meridian. Traveling west – you jump forward a day. Traveling east – you jump back a day.