Georgia Map Activity (Part 2) Step 1: Finish labeling the map if it is not yet completed. Step 2: Color each of the Five Physiographic Regions of Georgia: Plateau – Red Ridge and Valley – Orange Blue Ridge – Blue (*different shade than water!) Piedmont – Green Coastal Plain – Light Brown (Tan) Step 3: Cut out your map of Georgia and glue it to a piece of construction paper or copy paper. Step 4: Label and color the surrounding states and ocean on your map. The ocean should be blue, and the surrounding states should be any color you have not previously used on your map (Ex. Pink).
Georgia Map Activity (Part 3) Geography Connection: Complete a written response on the back of your map activity, with a minimum of 5-7 sentences, making a connection between your life and the geography of Georgia. This could include either of the following options: Where have you personally been in Georgia and how are those areas similar and/or different from the Piedmont (where you live!)? Where would you most want to live in the state of Georgia? What things do you like to do and where in the state would be the best place for YOU to live?
Georgia Map Activity Grading Map Check – Grading Procedures: Each map will be checked for accuracy and completion. Based on the accuracy and completion of the map, each student will receive one of the following grades: 100 Map and written response are complete and accurate 70 Part 1 of the map is mostly complete and accurate but Parts 2 or 3 are not fully completed 50 Part 1 of the map is incomplete and Parts 2 and 3 have not been started and/or the map has multiple inaccuracies 0 Student does not have map to turn in and/or map and written response are mostly incomplete