Georgia Flood M.A.P. Program CRS – Education and Outreach Workshop Georgia Coastal Counties Mapping Project Armstrong Center Savannah, GA August 28, 2014
3 Takeaways Why are the maps being updated. Status of the coastal project CRS Benefits of the new maps
Georgia Coastal Project 9 Counties Updated Bryan, Camden, Chatham, Charlton, Effingham, Glynn, Liberty, Long & McIntosh Counties 343 total panels Study Types Coastal surge and wave height study Approximately 284 miles of approximate study Approximately 57 miles of redelineation study Approximately 8 miles of local detailed study Approximately 12 miles of limited detailed studies Preliminary Risk MAP Products Phase I ( Riverine Study) – Completed Phase II (Coastal Study) – Available for viewing on June 2015
Why the Coastal Flood Risk Study Is Being Updated Flood risk changes over time – Effective study based on outdated hurricane modeling and topographic data Ability to more accurately define risk and account for significant development in project area To gain a complete and current picture of coastal flood risks. This helps community: Plan for the risk Communicate the risk to your citizens Take action to reduce flood risk to lives and property Build smarter and safer
Why the Coastal Flood Risk Study Is Being Updated Current surge analysis is 20 to 40+ years old Chatham County - Environmental Sciences Services Administration’s JPM Method – 1970 publication Climate data from 1965 to 1981 NOAA reports Glynn and Camden Counties – updated surge in 1989 using SURGE model
Why the Coastal Flood Risk Study Is Being Updated Your risk is better defined through Updated elevation data (topographic data and aerial imagery) New climatological data based on recent storms Computing resources – a lot has changed in 30 years! Updated coastal hazard methodologies/modeling Improvement in Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies to improve coastal mapping accuracy
Georgia Coastal Project Timeline Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Summer 2012 Winter 2013 Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Summer 2014 Spring 2015 Summer2015 Winter 2016 Summer 2016 Inland Phase* Scoping Meetings Kickoff Meeting Draft Map Review Meetings PDCC Meeting Appeal & Protest Period LFD Resilience Meeting Effective FIRMs Multi-Agency Stakeholder Meetings Open House Coastal Phase Technical Update Meeting Storm Surge Update Meeting Resilience Meeting *Camden, Glynn, & McIntosh Counties do not have any panels being revised under the inland phase of this project 7
Coastal Flood Risk Map
FEMA FIS Study is not Evacuation Study
Typical FIRM CRS Benefits The model simulates the response of the still water surface to atmospheric forcing (water interacts with elevation features)
Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA) CRS Benefits Defined by the area subject to wave action with waves greater than 1.5 feet in height
Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA) CRS Benefits FEMA Procedure Memorandum No. 50, 2008 At present not a regulatory requirement No Federal Insurance requirements tied to LiMWA Just for open coast CRS benefit for communities requiring VE Zone construction standards in areas defined by LiMWA or areas subject to waves greater then 1.5 ft.
Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA) CRS Benefits Video
Coastal Flood Risk Study Contacts Project Manager Todd Harris, CFM (404) 651-8504 State NFIP Coordinator Tom Shillock, CFM (404) 362-2606 REUSE??