D.C. Everest Career and Technical Education Value Added
What is Value Added All About?
Overview of Value Added Innovations Certifications Dual Enrollment Credits (Transcripted) Partnerships
Certifications Beyond a Diploma MSSC ACCT SP/2 Construction SP/2 Automotive Health/Finance/Hospitality Youth Apprenticeship C.N.A. Employability Skills Certificate Cooperative Skills Standards Certificate
Dual Enrollment (Transcripted) Credits Accounting Early Childhood Education Introduction to Animal/Dairy Science Introduction to Business Introduction to Horticulture Introduction to Technical Drafting Introduction to Welding Marketing Principles Medical Terminology Sketch Up Website Development
Engaging Partnerships Habitat for Humanity WATEA Northcentral School-to-Career Partnership WI CPA Junior Achievement SABA Numerous Worksite Mentors through our Internship courses DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA WAMPEN (MCDEVCO, FABTECH Expo)
W.A.M.P.E.N. Wisconsin Advanced Manufacturing Pathway Education Network Federal longitudinal study on the effectiveness of rigorous programs of study 6 states involved helping to inform federal education spending Partnering with Wausau, Spencer, NTC, WTCS, Wi DPI, OVAE Following our recent work at NCPN, Scott Hess from the Office of Vocational and Adult Education stated, “WI is an Island of Excellence.”
W.A.M.P.E.N. Wisconsin Advanced Manufacturing Pathway Education Network Legislation and Policy Partnerships Professional Development Accountability and Evaluation College and Career Readiness Course Sequences Credit Transfer Agreements Guidance Counseling and Academic Advising Teaching and Learning Strategies Technical Skill Assessments 10 Components of a Rigorous Program of Study
Looking Ahead Introduction to Game Programming dual credits Piloting NTC dual credits in Automotive Partnering with NTC-Antigo Wood Technology Center of Excellence for dual credits Enhancing all 10 components for all programs of study
Keeping the Focus ALL STUDENTS Dedicated Educators Business and Industry Partners Post- secondary Partners High Skill- High Wage Careers Career Pathways
Career and Technical Education – Value Added Contact Information: Aaron M. Hoffman CTE Coordinator D.C. Everest Area School District ext