Just think: What does destiny mean? Today, I will be able to explain the concept of Manifest Destiny and how that led to conflict. Homework: You will have your test on Wednesday. Your test will be on the readings from chapters 12 and 13 only. You will not be permitted to use your notes. You will be permitted use one 3”x 5” note card. Information on the note card must be handwritten and not shared with others. You must have your name on the card and turn it in with your test.
Americans were invited to Texas in order to settle the land and control the Comanche population Spain lost control of Mexico in Texas population takes off and Mexico (1830) is fearful that there are too many Texans and impose the “hated laws.” Texans refused to follow the laws. Santa Anna takes over in 1833; Austin is imprisoned the same year. Austin is released from prison in 1835; fighting breaks out. Texans win at the Battle of San Jacinto and gain their independence.
As early as 1836, Texas wanted to join the U.S.A. In 1837, Texas formally asks to join, and Van Buren (NY) says ‘no.’ Their admission would cause problems because they’re a slave state. Tyler (VA) wants to bring Texas into the Union b/c he’s pro slavery; however, virtually everyone hates Tyler so that doesn’t happen. Polk becomes President and as part of his Manifest Destiny platform Texas is admitted to the Union.
Major westward population shift. The population vote was close, but not the electoral
In the 1840s, we had an inflated sense of self- worth regarding our style of government and felt that it was our duty to expand that ideology throughout the world. Some Americans felt that their culture was superior to that of Natives and Mexicans. James K. Polk ran for President on an expansionist platform: “Fifty-four forty or fight,” regarding Oregon Territory.
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