Nobody’s Unpredictable Date Public opinion about individual philanthropy Serbia, December 2009
© 2009 Ipsos 2 Methodology Method of data collection: field survey “face-to-face” in respondent’s household Population: citizens of Serbia aged18+ Type of sample: three-stage stratified random sample Data collection was realized from 11 th December to 15 th December 2009 Size of sample: 1091 Marginal error: +/- 3.00%
© 2009 Ipsos 4 The term "charitable aid" is much closer to ordinary people than the term "philanthropy" Base: Total target population Which of the following terms do you yourself usually use to name donations for general welfare, that is, which term is the closest to you personally?
© 2009 Ipsos 5 More than half of the citizens have not heard that term “philanthropy” is used to name donations for general welfare? And is there any term among the following ones that you haven’t heard being used for naming donations for general welfare?
© 2009 Ipsos 6 By “donating for general welfare”, citizens most often mean to help the poor and the sick When you think about donating for general welfare, what do you mean by that? Most frequent answers - spontaneous
© 2009 Ipsos 8 Citizens think that the custom of donating for general welfare in Serbia is very scarcely developed 69% 9% In your opinion how developed is the custom of donating for general welfare in Serbia?
© 2009 Ipsos 9 Citizens also think that donating for general welfare is not much encouraged in Serbia 81% To what extent is donating for general welfare encouraged in our society, how much importance is it given?
© 2009 Ipsos 10 Bad economic situation in society is perceived as the main reason for that, but lack of awareness is often mentioned as well Base: citizens who think that donating for general welfare in our society is not given sufficient importance (80% of target population) Education What is the main reason why donating for general welfare is not given bigger importance in our society?
© 2009 Ipsos 11 Church, prominent individuals, media and ordinary people are perceived as those who donate the most, and private and state-owned companies as the ones who donate the least To what extent does each of the following organizations – institutions donate for general welfare?
© 2009 Ipsos 12 Nevertheless, when citizens have to choose an institution which donates the most, they most frequently mention the citizens themselves And which institution would you put in the first place as the one donating the most for general welfare?
© 2009 Ipsos 13 Citizens think that poor economic situation is the main reason why citizens do not donate more for general welfare, but they also mention distrust of outcome of donating Base: all citizens except those who think that companies donate much for general welfare (92% of target population) What is the main reason why CITIZENS do not donate more for general welfare?
© 2009 Ipsos 14 Lack of interest and lack of awareness about general welfare were most frequently mentioned as the main reasons why private companies in Serbia do not donate more for general welfare are Base: all citizens except those who think that citizens in Serbia donate much for general welfare (92% of target population) What is the main reason why private companies do not donate more for general welfare?
© 2009 Ipsos 15 According to citizens, private companies are aware that donating for general welfare creates a more positive picture about them which is their main motive for making donations Base: Total target population What is the main motive of private companies in Serbia to donate for general welfare?
© 2009 Ipsos 16 Opinions about the role of media are divided Base: Total target population And what is the role of media in our country when donating for general welfare is concerned?
© 2009 Ipsos 17 Do you recall any actions in our country aimed at collecting donations for general welfare? Most frequently given answers Citizens remember that there were some actions, but they mainly provide quite generalized answers
© 2009 Ipsos 18 Who initiated these (mentioned) actions aimed at collection of donations for general welfare? Base: citizens who mentioned at least some action, 73% of total population TV B92, and state (ministries) are most frequently mentioned as initiators of actions for general welfare Most frequently given answers
© 2009 Ipsos 19 Which areas are donated the most / should be donated the most in Serbia? There is a lot of discrepancies in citizens perception of the areas which should be / currently are donated the most Three most frequently mentioned areas from the list
© 2009 Ipsos 20 And in which groups – institutions is donated the moste / should be donated the most? There is even a more discrepancies regarding the groups perceived to be given the most, and the ones which should be given the most Three most frequently mentioned areas from the list
© 2009 Ipsos 22 Have you ever participated in actions directed towards general welfare? How often do you participate in actions directed towards general welfare? Majority of the citizens claim to have participated in actions for general welfare
© 2009 Ipsos 23 Almost half of total population claims to have participated in actions for general welfare during the past 3 years Base: citizens who participated in actions for general welfare - (62% of target population) 43% of target population Did you participate in actions for general welfare during the past 3 years?
© 2009 Ipsos 24 In which actions did you participate in the past 3 years? Base: those who participated in some humanitarian action in the past 3 years(43% of target population) People mainly took part in actions aimed at helping children, the sick and the poor (one or two actions on the average) The most frequently mentioned responses
© 2009 Ipsos 25 Who was the initiator of actions that you participated in? Base: those who participated in some humanitarian action in the past 3 years (43% of target population) Initiators of actions in which respondents participated are not the ones they mentioned as initiators that they knew best The most frequently mentioned responses
© 2009 Ipsos 26 How did you participate in those actions? Base: those who participated in some humanitarian action in the past 3 years (43% of target population) 37% of total population People usually participate by donating money and material goods
© 2009 Ipsos 27 Do you believe that you will participate in future actions aimed at general welfare? Base: Total target population About one half of citizens believe that they will participate in future actions, and somewhat more than one third of them are indecisive
© 2009 Ipsos 28 Why aren’t you willing to participate in actions aimed at general welfare? Multiple answer; Base: those who will not participate in actions aimed at general welfare (14% of target population) Spontaneous answers The main reason for not participating in actions aimed at general welfare is destitute financial situation, although significant percentage of respondents mention mistrust as the reason
© 2009 Ipsos 29 You would most gladly participate in actions (from the list)… Base: those who will participate in general welfare activities or the indecisive (86% of target population) Citizens most often choose to participate in humanitarian actions and actions related to health Choice of actions from the list
© 2009 Ipsos 30 You would most gladly participate in actions targeting… Base: those who will participate in general welfare activities or the indecisive (86% of target population) Citizens mainly choose to help children and sick people Choice of groups from the list
© 2009 Ipsos 32 When you are to decide whether to participate in some action aimed at general welfare, do you rather choose... Base: Total target population Citizens choose more frequently the actions connected with their local community that people close to them benefit from
© 2009 Ipsos 33 Would you rather donate money for... Citizens think that vulnerable individuals and groups are definitely the priority for donations
© 2009 Ipsos 34 Which reason to support an action would be the most important to you? Confidence that there will be no misuse and that results of actions will be adequate are very important to citizens when deciding whether to support some action or not
© 2009 Ipsos 36 How willing would you be to support actions of collecting funds initiated by the following organizations and institutions? Citizens are the most willing to support actions of the Church, and the least willing to support actions of public and private companies
© 2009 Ipsos 37 When you are involved in an action of donating for general welfare, how important is it to you to obtain information about the amount of money collected, about the way it was used, whether objective of the action was achieved? 69% 15% It is important for citizens to obtain information about the course and outcome of action they are involved in
© 2009 Ipsos 38 In your opinion, how often does misuse of funds collected for general welfare occur? 59% 8% Citizens believe that the misuse of funds collected for general welfare often occurs
© 2009 Ipsos 40 To what extent can donations of ordinary people help the society? 52% 29% Majority of citizens believe that donations of ordinary people can help the society
© 2009 Ipsos 41 In general, what should be the citizens’ role in terms of general welfare? Majority of citizens hold the state most responsible for general welfare, but they also think that care for general welfare should be perceived as citizens’ duty and not only as good will
© 2009 Ipsos 42 What might be done to stimulate people to donate more for general welfare? Choice of 3 from the list Citizens think that better control of activities and better informing of citizens would stimulate them the most to donate for general welfare
© 2009 Ipsos 44 Have you heard of any funds that support general welfare activities, established by individuals, organizations, institutions, companies? Substantial percentage of citizens have heard of funds that support general welfare activities
© 2009 Ipsos 45 Which funds have you heard of? Multiple answer; Base: those who have heard of funds that support general welfare activities (43% of target population) Most frequently spontaneously mentioned Katarina Rebrača Charity Fund, whose fraud was made public three months after the survey, was the best known fund at the time when the survey was conducted
© 2009 Ipsos 46 Do you think that organizations or foundations that support general welfare activities should be financed by citizens? Opposite to the opinion of majority that citizens can help the society with donations, most of the people think that foundations that support general welfare activities can’t (and shouldn’t) be funded by the citizens
© 2009 Ipsos 47 Would you be willing to donate money to a foundation that invests in general welfare to distribute it? While majority of citizens are willing to donate money for general welfare activities, only one third of citizens would give money to a foundation. Mistrust is often the reason of this attitude.
© 2009 Ipsos 48 Regardless of whether you would or would not give money to such foundation, what might be advantages of this kind of donating money for general welfare? Assurance that money would be given to those who need it the most is perceived as the main advantage of donating money to a foundation
© 2009 Ipsos 49 What would be the main disadvantages of this type of donating for general welfare? The main disadvantage of donating through a foundation is mistrust in the way foundation would distribute the money
© 2009 Ipsos 50 Would you donate money to such foundation for a specific action only, or you would be willing to continuously support its work? Base: those who are willing to donate money to a foundation that invests in general welfare and allow it to distribute it or those who are indecisive (59% of target population) Only every fourth of those who would be willing to donate money to a foundation that they trust, would be willing to do it continuously
© 2009 Ipsos 52 In what way, from which source, do you usually get informed about general welfare activities? Media are the main source of information about general welfare activities
© 2009 Ipsos 53 In what way do you prefer to get informed about general welfare activities? Multiple answer; Base: Total target population Substantial percentage of citizens would like to get informed also from other sources but the media, primarily directly from organizers of activities
© 2009 Ipsos 54 How important is it to you personally to be informed about general welfare activities? 53% 9% Citizens consider important being informed about general welfare activities
© 2009 Ipsos 55