Www.ieagreen.org.uk Liaison activities with other organisations (GHG/07/46) EPRI CCS-CDM working group CSLF Financing CCS (joint IEA GHG – IEA CCC) Det.


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Presentation transcript:

Liaison activities with other organisations (GHG/07/46) EPRI CCS-CDM working group CSLF Financing CCS (joint IEA GHG – IEA CCC) Det Norske Veritas (DNV) EU – CCS Guidelines

Assessment Criteria – EPRI IEA GHG uses standard technical and economic assessment criteria in its studies on CO 2 capture IEA GHG and EPRI will produce updated criteria Taking account of EPRI’s experience from their Technical Assessment Guide (TAG) Expanded to include other significant criteria Provide sets of criteria for plants in other countries EPRI has prepared a first draft of the Design and Estimating Basis A workshop will be held to discuss this, possibly in early December, IEA GHG Members are invited to participate; some members indicated interest already.

CCS- CDM working group 3 workshops held. 3 rd workshop considered key CCS-CDM issues raised at last COP-MOP (2). Group circulated headline conclusions for consideration by those making submissions to COP-MOP 3 in Bali, in December. The submissions received have not yet been posted on the UNFCC website. SBSTA 27 will discuss in Bali 3-11 th December.

Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum Agreement reached between IEA GHG and CSLF Technical Group Details in Annex 1 of members papers Includes representation by CSLF at ExCo Currently through existing membership IEA GHG representation at CSLF John Gale nominated representative Two way process to feed through ideas Where work is performed jointly, due reference will be given to all parties Action Members invited to endorse co-operation between CSLF Technical Group and IEA GHG

Financing CCS Developments Joint IEA GHG – IEA CCC activity. 1 st meeting was in summer of Successfully involved the financial community 2 nd Financing CCS meeting: New Yorker Hotel, New York, th May st agreed Sponsor is World Coal Institute (WCI) Other Sponsors Invited

DNV Study on guidelines on site characterisation approved at 31 st ExCo At time IEA GHG had identified a number of groups working in same area one of which was DNV DNV are a non profit organisation in Norway Accredited verifier under UNFCCC Standards body for off shore oil and gas industry DNV has proposed a joint venture project supported by Gassnova to develop and qualify sites for geological storage

DNV Sites will include oil and gas fields and deep saline aquifers Methodology will be included in a Recommended Practise document Incorporate; site selection, monitoring, risk assessment, remediation etc. Aimed at project developers, regulators and planners a Phase 1 project to develop a preliminary version of the RP will end in December 2007

DNV IEA GHG propose to join Phase 2 of the project that will start in January 2007 Develop a full RP Draft available before SBSTA meeting in May DNV work plan is compatible with IEA GHG aims for study Slightly broader IEA GHG believes it is more credible to work with an organisation like DNV than to develop guidelines on its own Avoids duplication of effort Work closely with a member organisation i.e. Gassnova Get financial leverage by contributing to a larger project.

European Union – CCS Guidelines EU established (2005) European Technology Platform for Zero Emission Power Plants (ZEP) 10 to 12 demonstrations to be put in operation (target by 2015) EU recognises state aid will be necessary New guidelines for State Aid for Environmental Protection must provide a clear long-term framework for how state aid to CCS projects can be approved.