Real-Time High Resolution Photogrammetry John Morris, Georgy Gimel’farb and Patrice Delmas CITR, Tamaki Campus, University of Auckland
Applications Navigation Collision avoidance in traffic Manoeuvring in dynamic environments Biometrics Face recognition Tracking individuals Films Markerless motion tracking Security Intelligent threat detection Civil Engineering Materials Science Archaeology
Why Stereo? Passive Suitable for dense environments Wide area 3D data can be acquired at high rates Textureless regions cause problems Active illumination can resolve these
Photogrammetry Laboratory - Resources Commercial structured lighting system Slow, limited depth of field Very accurate (~0.3mm) within its range (1-5m) Provides ‘ground truth’ for other techniques Advanced structured lighting techniques Efficient labelling patterns Hybrid systems Structured lighting/Active illumation/Stereo High resolution cameras 4 x Canon digital SLR (2 x 6Mpixel, 2 x 8Mpixel) 2 x Baesler 25fps, 2 x Pixelink 25fps 4 x Allied Vision (2 with IR capability) Precise alignment, stable baselines High speed cameras 2 x Fastec 250 fps FPGA development kits Altera Development Kits Under development: Firewire interface – 2 x medium resolution video cameras
Photogrammetry Lab Stereo Canon digital SLRs – 6 Mpixels Low distortion lenses Stable optical base Precise alignment Provision for verging optics Target: Accurate 3D environment maps
Projects Real time stereo vision Implementation of Symmetric Dynamic Programming Stereo on FPGA hardware Real time precise stereo vision Faster, smaller hardware circuit Real time 3D maps 1% depth accuracy with 2 scan line latency Stereo Applications Collision avoidance for automobiles and robots Face recognition via 3D models Fast model acquisition via stereo pairs Resin flow in composite laminate formation Motion capture – athletes, actors
Projects High Quality Rendering Scene rendering (movie quality) acceleration with FPGA hardware Next generation animated movie requirements: Rendering farms with 1000’s of processors Power supply alone becomes a major problem! Custom hardware attached processors Computationally intensive task Speed ups of 10 or more Same work with fewer processors … and fewer power cuts!
Example Project: Composite Formation Resin drawn by vacuum into flat bag containing fibre mat Problem: Measure shape of advancing resin wavefront Solution: Stereo with verging camera axis configuration Process time series of images Transform and measure phase shift
Composite Materials Laboratory Tamaki Campus Same building as Wine Science 8Mpixel Canon digital SLRs on stable base with precise alignment
Resin wavefront Profiles along the mould at 1, 2, 3, 4 minutes Note the resolution! Left scale is mm.