Week 7 PA Science Standards and Anchors; District Curriculum and Scope & Sequence; PSSA Science Exam
Learning Objectives 1. TSWBAT to distinguish the various terms used in the presentation including: standards, anchors, eligible content, etc. 2. TSWBAT illustrate through a Venn diagram the relationship between the PA standards, PA anchors, PSSA, and district curriculum for science.
Learning Objectives (continued) 3. When given a standards and/or anchor, TSWBAT create a learning objective and assessment for that benchmark at three levels of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation). 4. Given an assessment item, TSWBAT correlate the item to the appropriate standard/anchor and its taxonomic level of learning. 5. TSWBAT evaluate the effectiveness of a K-12 scope and sequence for a school district in light of its 2009 PSSA Science results. (graded assessment)
Standards PDE: Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards: Those benchmarks adopted by PA January 5, 2002, which are available as two documents: Science and Technology Standards (S&T) Environment and Ecology Standards (E&E) PA science teachers are responsible for BOTH sets of standards. New standards are in draft form before the PDE/legislature.
State (PA) Standards “The state academic standards are benchmark measures that define what students should know and be able to do at specified grade levels beginning in grade 3.” PDE “The standards are promulgated as state regulations. As such they must be used as the basis for curriculum and instruction in Pennsylvania’s public schools.” PDE The standards are currently under revision. Handout
The Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Science Science & Technology 3.1 Unifying Themes 3.2 Inquiry and Design 3.3 Biological Sciences 3.4 Physical Science, Chemistry, and Physics 3.5 Earth Sciences 3.6 Technology Education 3.7 Technological Devises 3.8 Science, Technology and Human Endeavors Environment & Ecology 4.1 Watersheds and Wetlands 4.2 Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources 4.3 Environmental Health 4.4 Agriculture and Society 4.5 Integrated Pest Management 4.6 Ecosystems and their Interactions 4.7 Threatened, Endangered and Extinct Species 4.8 Humans and the Environment 4.9 Environmental Laws and Regulations
Anchors Anchors: Descriptors written in 2005 which form a content umbrella over the S&T and E&E standards. Eligible content: Material which the state uses in its construction of the statewide standardized test.
Interpreting an Anchor S.11.A.2.1 Science Grade Level Reporting Category Anchor
State (PA) Anchors (aka Power Standards) The Assessment Anchor is the broad category. It has standards referenced within it. The Eligible Content is the content and skills associated with each anchor. It can be either from S&T or E&E standards. The notation “e.g.” means the list includes possible topics for testing, but the list is not exhaustive. Example S11.A.1.1. The notation “i.e.” means the topic will specifically be included on the assessment. Example S11.B.2.2.
Relationship Between Anchors and Standards in Science Reporting Categories Related Standards A. The Nature of Science XX XXX X XXX B. Biological Sciences X X XX XX C. Physical Sciences X X X D. Earth and Space Sciences X XX X XX
District Level Curriculum Curriculum: The content and skills a local school district has adopted for its course of instruction at a given grade level or for a given course. Many districts are moving to electronic, time-based curricula known as curriculum mapping. Scope and Sequence: The K-12 plan of a local district for providing instruction. Handout Note: In some states, the state dictates the district- level curriculum.
Science PSSA’s PA Anchors PA Standards District Curriculum Venn Diagram
PSSA’s PSSA (Pennsylvania System of School Assessment): The standardized exam currently administered to all public school students in the commonwealth. Math and Reading: Grades 3-8, 11 Writing: Grades 5, 8, 11 Science: Grades 4, 8, & 11
Science PSSA’s Statewide test administered in Grades 4, 8, and 11. Students scored as “Advanced” or “Proficient” are considered to have “Passed.” Handout from 2008 PSSA Technical Report for Science: Grades 4, 8, and 11, page E-2 and E-3. 008_Science_Technical_Report.pdf 008_Science_Technical_Report.pdf
Test Composition 50%Inquiry A. Nature of Science 50%Content, evenly divided B. Biological Sciences C. Physical Science D. Earth and Space Sciences Handout of next two slides
2009 Test Blueprint Reporting Category Grade 4 Grade 8 Grade 11 The Nature of Science 50%50%50% Biological Sciences 17.6%17.6%17.6% Physical Sciences 16.2%16.2%16.2% Earth and Space Sciences 16.2%16.2%16.2% Total Points 68 points 74 points
2009 PSSA Science Test Format Total Number of Multiple Choice Items per Student Total Number of Open-Ended Items per Student Total Number of Open-Ended Items per Student Total Number of points (Common Items Only) Grade Approx.L ength Common Items Common Scenario Items Equating Block Items Field Test Items Common Items (2 points each) Common Scenario Items (4 points each) Equating Block Items Field Test Items Number of Score Points per Student Minutes 2 Sections = Minutes 2 Sections = Minutes 3 Sections = 74
PSSA Sample Test Items Science Item and Scoring Sampler ?a=108&Q=73314&a_and_tNav=|680|&a_and_tN av=| ?a=108&Q=73314&a_and_tNav=|680|&a_and_tN av=|
Can you determine which standard(s) and anchor(s) are being assessed? Respond to the questions on the following slides by using the response devices. You will need to reference the handouts regarding standards and anchors.
Objects in the Solar System Which object is a meteor? The question addresses Anchor S8.D.3.1 eligible content… 1 2 3 ObjectWhat is made ofLocation where seen 1Gases and dustOrbiting the Sun 2RockOrbiting the Sun 3RockEntering a planet’s atmosphere 4RockLying in a hole in a field
A sunfish population was introduced into a lake 10 years ago. Biologists have been monitoring the population since then. The graph shows their data. What is the carrying capacity for sunfish in this lake? Sunfish Population year This question assesses eligible content in which 11 th grade anchor? 1. A A B.3.2 A.10 sunfish B. 45 sunfish C.50 sunfish D.Not yet determined
Time (mya) fern snail The diagram shows information about two types of organisms that formed fossils. Based on the timeline, which statement is correct? A. The ferns adapted quickly to a different habitat. B. The environment became more suitable for snails. C. The consumers in the area ate more snails than ferns. D. The snails were protected from predators by their shells. The question assesses eligible content in 8 th grade reporting categories A and D. The content is… 1. A and D A and D A and D.1.1.4
The timeline question on the preceding page assesses all of the following standards except 1. Watersheds and wetlands 2. Inquiry and design 3. Earth sciences 4. Agriculture and society
Which statement describes the pattern of inheritance that produces 100% red-flowered first-generation offspring? A. Red is dominant and white is recessive. B. Red is recessive and white is dominant. C. Both red and white are recessive. D. Both red and white are dominant. This question assesses an 11 th grade anchor in reporting category B. What standard is addressed? 1. Explain the structural and functional similarities and differences among living things. 2. Describe and explain the chemical and structural basis of living things. 3. Describe how genetic information is inherited and expressed. 4. Explain the mechanisms of the theory of evolution.
If you were writing an assessment question to address Anchor S11.D.1.3.3, what key terms might you include? Nutrient loading, turbidity, rate of flow, rate of deposition, biological diversity, water quality.
Keystone Exams Keystone exams: End-of-course examinations used to demonstrate proficiency for graduation beginning with the Class of 2015 (7 th graders in ). Keystone exams may be used by districts as final course exams. They will be developed in literature (reading), English composition, algebra I, geometry, algebra II, biology, and American history and will count for 1/3 of the student’s course grade. In , chemistry and world history will be added. Ultimately, it is the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) plan to have the Keystone exams replace the 11 th grade PSSA to meet the federal requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).
Keystone Exams The development of end-of-year exams by course indicates our state is moving toward a more standardized curriculum. For more information, see Standards Aligned Systems on the PDE website. munity/standards_aligned_system/ munity/standards_aligned_system/4228 The Curriculum Framework portion is particularly well-developed.
NCLB No Child Left Behind (NCLB): An act of Congress, signed into law by President G.W. Bush 01/08/2002, which requires all children to be proficient by To meet this goal, the states are required to set up percentage proficiency goals to meet each year that puts them on target to meet 100% by Currently, schools are held accountable to NCLB and these state targets in Reading and Math. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is the term used for meeting this proficiency percentage. Schools who do not meet overall targets or in some sub-group is placed in a status called “Warning.” Schools can be placed on an “Improvement Plan” on its 3 rd year of “warning” which means it is taken over by the state and run by state-appointed representatives.
ASSIGNMENT: Analyzing a District’s Scope & Sequence and Its 2008 PSSA Science Results Science PSSA Results are Public Information: ?A=3&Q= ?A=3&Q= Handout
Instructional Objectives Performance-based Observable behavior (envision how you will observe = assessment) Three domains Cognitive (recognition, recall, comprehension, problem-solving) Affective (attitudes, interests, beliefs, values) Psychomotor (motor skills, eye-hand coordination)
Instructional Objectives The ABCD’s Audience (Who? TSWBAT…) Behavior (content or skill displayed) Conditions (Calculator? Periodic Table? Specimen? Any special provisions?) Degree (minimum level of performance) Focus on student outcomes, not learning activities. Specify the content and/or skill.
Instructional Objectives - Focus Example: TSWBAT participate in building a model of DNA. Focuses on activity Example: TSWBAT display the essential features of DNA including base pairing, phosphodiester linkages, and double stranding with a helical nature. Focuses on learning the student will demonstrate
Instructional Objectives – Domain A = Cognitive, B = Affective, C = Psychomotor 1. TSWBAT perform decantation and filtration with at least 90% recovery of the solid. 2. TSWBAT evaluate a scientific experiment for flaws in deductive reasoning. 3. TSWBAT list the eight planets in order from the sun. 4. TSWBAT summarize three ways in which science has made a positive impact in society.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: old revised
Instructional Objectives- Bloom’s TaxonomyInstructional Objectives- Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Cognitive Domain A = KnowledgeB = ComprehensionC = Application D = AnalysisE = SynthesisF = Evaluation 5. TSWBAT compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis, using at least two similarities and differences. 6. TSWBAT list the three premises of the cell theory. 7. TSWBAT explain how earthquakes occur using plate tectonics terminology. 8. TSWBAT write an essay (PSSA 5 paragraph) summarizing and defending their position on stem cell research. 9. TSWBAT design an experiment to separate the components of a mixture such as sand, sugar, and iron filings. 10. TSWBAT focus a microscope on a prepared slide using proper protocol within 30 seconds. 11. TSWBAT interpret a rock cycle diagram to predict the type of rock that will form under certain weather, pressure, and temperature conditions.
Write 3 learning objectives and 3 assessment items for the following anchors: Physical Science Group: Anchor S11.C.1.1 Life Science Group: Anchor S11.B.3.1