Vulnerability to disasters is not compatible with physical, mental or social wellbeing.
Preparedness Pre-disaster activities aimed at strengthening the capacity for Response (rescue, medical care…) Pre-disaster activities aimed at strengthening the capacity for Response (rescue, medical care…)
Prevention Measures designed to provide complete protection from natural disasters by controlling effects of natural phenomena. Measures designed to provide complete protection from natural disasters by controlling effects of natural phenomena. Prevention in an imperfect world! Reduction of the impact! Prevention in an imperfect world! Reduction of the impact! Mitigation
In the last 15 years, the focus given to risk and disaster management has changed dramatically.
Latin America and the Caribbean move from Ad Hoc Disaster Response to Prevention Disasters and Development Mitigation and Preparedness Preparedness Preparedness and Response Response 1976Earthquake in Guatemala 1985Earthquake in Mexico 1999Mitch
1. Strengthening Institutions 2. Training 3. Special priorities hospital and water systems mitigationhospital and water systems mitigation Disaster Information Center Disaster Information Center
The prime objective within the Health Sector Strengthening of the national Health Emergency Preparedness program in the ministry of health (with professional staff, a budget and access to decision-making)Strengthening of the national Health Emergency Preparedness program in the ministry of health (with professional staff, a budget and access to decision-making) Strengthening Institutions
The Role of a Disaster Program in the Ministry of Health Contingency planning and trainingContingency planning and training coordination of the sector responsecoordination of the sector response Advocacy of health in other sectorsAdvocacy of health in other sectors inclusion of disaster reduction measures in development activitiesinclusion of disaster reduction measures in development activities public educationpublic education Strengthening Institutions
The National Health Disaster Program must: Lead the entire health sectorLead the entire health sector Mobilize the sector for disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and early rehabilitationMobilize the sector for disaster prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and early rehabilitation Have a multi-hazard scope (natural, technological, “complex” disasters)Have a multi-hazard scope (natural, technological, “complex” disasters) Coordinate with other sectorsCoordinate with other sectors Strengthening Institutions
We need also to offer technical support to... Foreign AffairsForeign Affairs mass mediamass media armed forcesarmed forces industry/private sectorindustry/private sector NGOs and volunteersNGOs and volunteers parliamentsparliaments civil society...civil society... Strengthening Institutions
Cooperation with Foreign Affairs national policy on external assistance (received or offered by the country)national policy on external assistance (received or offered by the country) mutual assistance agreements with other countriesmutual assistance agreements with other countries guidelines for diplomatic/consular personnelguidelines for diplomatic/consular personnel channel offers/requests for external assistancechannel offers/requests for external assistance call donors meetingscall donors meetings security of foreigners in the country or of nationals abroadsecurity of foreigners in the country or of nationals abroad Strengthening Institutions Before a disaster: After a disaster:
Cooperation with Legislative Bodies Strengthening Institutions To promote legislation for disaster Reduction: prevention, preparedness and response.
1. Strengthening institutions 2. Training 3. Special priorities hospital and water systems mitigationhospital and water systems mitigation Disaster Information CenterDisaster Information Center
Human Resources Development, not stockpiling equipment, is the key to Preparedness... University training Workshops/ short courses
Workshops/Short Courses –emergency health management –hospital preparedness and mitigation –environmental health management –supplies management (SUMA) –role of Ministries of Foreign Affairs in disasters –mass media and public information –community preparedness…. Training
University Training introduction of Disaster Management in the pre- and post-graduate curriculum in faculties of Medicine, Nursing schools and Public Health Schoolsintroduction of Disaster Management in the pre- and post-graduate curriculum in faculties of Medicine, Nursing schools and Public Health Schools Training
1. Strengthening institutions 2. Training 3. Special priorities hospital and water systems mitigationhospital and water systems mitigation Information disseminationInformation dissemination
Disaster Mitigation in Hospitals and Water Supply Systems HOSPITAL vulnerability analysisvulnerability analysis improved design of new facilitiesimproved design of new facilities retrofitting existing facilitiesretrofitting existing facilities norms, guidelines, and trainingnorms, guidelines, and training
Vulnerability Analysis structuralstructural nonstructuralnonstructural functionalfunctional Disaster Mitigation in Hospitals
A technical managerial tool A political instrument for transparency A watch dog for inappropriate donations
Regional Disaster Information Center 12,000 documents on disaster-related topics12,000 documents on disaster-related topics multiagency, multidisciplinarymultiagency, multidisciplinary “THE” source of material in Spanish“THE” source of material in Spanish Internet AccessInternet Access provides copies of documentsprovides copies of documents
Assistance in Case of a Disaster?
A failure of the Ministry of health is our failure. The difference with Other UN organizations?