Learning Poster The school must: - give all pupils equal conditions to develop skills and talents individually and in cooperation with others. - stimulate pupils to learning desire, endurance and curiosity - stimulate pupils to develop their own learning strategies and the ability of critical thinking - stimulate the pupils in personal development and strengthening of own identity in the developing ethical, social and cultural competence and ability of understanding democracy and democratic participation Room for all, attention to the individual.
- work for adapted training and varied ways of teaching - stimulate, use and further develop the competence of the individual teacher - contribute to the use of teachers and instructors as distinct leaders and models for children and young people - ensure that the physical and psychosocial working and learning environment promotes health, wellbeing and learning - work for cooperation with the home and ensure that parents / guardians have joint responsibility in school - work for using the local community in the training in a meaning-filled way - prepare for students participation in their education and to help the pupils making conscious choices of values and choice of education and future work
Using local inviroment Climbing mountains Visiting farms in all seasons Using farms as part of special education Some pupils having a working day every week in local businesses The classes have overnight outdoors Use of local history in education from the Vikings to modern times Plan for location-based learning outside in all subjects
The Steigen school The Steigen kindergarden The cultur school The after school clubs Bogen Leines Nordfold Laskestad Bogen Leines Nordfold Leinesfjord Engeløy Laskestad Leines Nordfold
Organization Common plans Administration Leadership All units schools, kindergarten and after school clubs are organized in a Childhood senter. EconomicStaffResourses All units have their own leader The schools, cultur school and kindergartens also run independen All leaders form a leader team led by leader of local school authorities A common plan containing a lot of documents which concers all, some, or one of the units.
Common plans Content A: Vision B: Measures State guidelines Kindergarten Primary school Cultur School Local guidelines Tree of Knowledge Primary objective Section C: The plan includes all units Assumptions Strategic municipal plan Economic plan The units
D: Common platform Year wheel Management Budget and Accounts Organization of work Educational platform Kindergarten Primary school Music School E: Common plans Activity Plan Web-based shared calendar Workplace The activity you will Crises and conflicts Bullying Plan Guidance in Conflict Action Plan of serious accidents Fire Instructions Privacy Plan
Information Work Internal Externally Competence Plan Local action Regional action The Cultural Rucksack Statutes Common - Privacy avspassering Common - Guidelines for team collaboration Kindergarten - statutes After school club - statutes After school club - plan Cultur school - statutes Entrepreneurship - Guidelines Working Agreement for educational staff in the Steigen school
F: Development / priority areas School School reform - the introduction of the plan Workplace-related projects Kindergarten National Curriculum - the introduction of the plan Workplace-related projects Cultur School Participation in the national cultural project Workplace-related projects
G: Quality Assurance / Compliance Parent plan Activities aimed at children / students Kindergarten School Activities aimed at the organizations and staff Standpoint Analysis Development Chats How good is our school / kindergarten Regulations on environmental health safety in kindergartens and schools Action / follow-up Revision of action plans Reflection and guidance Budget consequenses Staff Plan
Quality plan 1.School-based assessment - "How good is our school ' School-based assessment conducted annually. It replaced the common assessment area for all departments and that departments choose their own theme. The results of the school-based assessment will be discussed internally in the departments and meet with students and parents. School Academic responsible for ensuring that the results from all departments will be collected, followed up and presented in ways that add to facilitate discussions on various levels. It is prepared a separate booklet for this work. ( "How good is our school") The purpose of this booklet is to help evaluate the quality of teaching in schools.
Three basic questions are at the core of the evaluation process: How good are we really? How do we know it? What do we do now? Booklet is in 3 parts Part 1 looks at self-evaluation step by step using the three basic questions, discuss how the school self-evaluation and external evaluation are complementary, and describes how quality indicators are used in school evaluation and planning. Part 2 is the practical guidance and case studies about the use of quality indicators in self-evaluation. Part 3 contains the quality indicators.
2. Student Research - assessment of the learning environment All school divisions with the appropriate step complete "Student Survey" School Academic responsible for ensuring that the results from all departments will be collected, followed up and presented so that it paves the way for discussions on various levels. Results from the "Student Survey" should be discussed internally in each department, in meeting with students and parents, in meetings between departments, in meetings between the department and school owners and the political committee.
3. National tests / studies - assessment of learning proceeds All schools with appropriate step carries out the following assessment of student learning outcomes: National tests. Mapping Trials primary school, grade and learning supportive tries secondary education and other measures of learning outcomes as required. Notes for examination and decision 10 year levels. Results from the "Student Survey" should be discussed internally in each school department, in meeting with students and parents, in meetings between departments, in meetings between departments and school owners and the political committee.
4. Analyzes point of view - to collect and structure information point of view analysis of the schools made every three years. Standpoint, the analysis will be primarily used to provide speed and direction for school development, in that the choice of the main challenges are being built and anchored internally and against the school owners. Experience shows it is difficult and time consuming for a college to agree on a description of the current situation without any aids or tools. Standpoint, the analysis can be used to support community discussions, as well as to collect and structure information.
5. We consider our nursery The goal is that the tool will help for day care to assess and document their own educational activities. The tool should be able to contribute to the structured and systematic evaluation and further development of quality in the nursery. This tool is built up after the thematic content of the National Curriculum; management, human cooperation, children's participation, cooperative nursery - home, transitional kindergarten - school, pedagogical documentation, physical preparation and the 7 disciplines. And further helps to document the point of view in relation to the kindergarten work and can lay the foundation for kindergarten as learning organization. n/Login.aspx
6. Cultural school equipment Assessment Tools to be used in the Cultural School is under development. Using primary school booklet "How good is our school," and adapt for the Music School.
7. Audit County has an audit of the council's operation of the schools in the Education Act § 14-1 and nursery Kindergarten Act, § 9 The municipality as a school and nursery owner will also oversee the operations are in line with laws and regulations. The schools will be annually made an audit of the organization and implementation of special education. There will be an annual inspection visit to the kindergarten. Chief and the technical coordinator for selecting audit areas each year on behalf of the nursery owner.
8. Checklist for Education Act Be a functional tool that will ensure that the Education Act are followed. Contain a specific enumeration of statutory requirements with the event. Referring to regulation. Describe the specific tasks for the checking of statutory requirements with responsibility descriptions and times. Describe the follow-up in relation to the improvement of practice, with time-stamps and description of responsibilities.