IPv6 Technical SIG Report 14:00-15:30, Sept. 4 th, 2002 APNIC OPM 14 Jun Murai (reported by Kosuke Ito)
Presentation Given: APNIC IPv6 Allocation Update By Elly Tawhai, APNIC IPv6 Deployment Status Update By Kazu Yamamoto, IIJ Labs./KAME Proj. of WIDE Project Mobile IPv6 To Go By Kazu Yamamoto on behalf of Kei-ichi Shima, IIJ Labs Additional information on Internet ITS From Dr. Jun Murai
Administrative Issues: Total Attendee Approximately 40 at site (23 on the sheet) Chair Selection for the next Kazu Yamamoto, IIJ Labs was selected by nomination from Dr. Murai, and approved by audience to be the acting Chair of IPv6 SIG for the next APNIC meeting in Taiwan