WMD & Emergency Planning Steps Session 12
Emergency Planning Steps Vulnerability Assessment Mitigation Efforts Emergency Response Planning Recovery
Emergency “Keep in mind that an emergency is an event that requires the response of a limited number of specified professionals in a single, confined setting. There can be several emergencies that result from a single event, such as a large building fire.”
Disaster “Generally, emergency services agencies view any situation that combines threats to humans, with destruction of property severe enough to warrant the assistance of several different types of emergency services, a disaster.”
Vulnerability Analysis Risk Characterization Assess assets Assign threat level Assign impact level Calculate risk Describe risk
Interchangable? Threat Risk NO!
Threat Threat is something that can be seen (hypothetically – a terrorist for example hides out but can be seen) and has the potential to cause harm, damage, loss of property or death. That potential cannot be measured by just considering threat.
Risk The mathematical or “relative” probability that a threat will actually cause harm, damage, loss of property or death. Is subjective and requires thought and calculation.
U.S. Government Says Risk is the probability that a substance or situation would produce harm under specified conditions. Risk is a combination of two factors:
Factors The probability that an adverse event will occur. (occurrence probability) The consequences of the adverse event. (consequences)
Formula OP X Impact = Risk You can determine OP by considering the threat and historical perspective and current events.
Examples High Risk 50-69Moderate High Risk 30-49Low Risk 1-29Very Low Risk No Such Thing as Zero
Mitigation Reducing (not removing) risk Lessening likelihood Lessening impact Generally, threats cannot be reduced Only probability of occurrence
Mitigation Methods Legislation (OP & impact) Education (OP & impact) Physical Alterations (OP & impact) Electronic Alterations
Mitigation Implementation Highest Risk Areas Highest Dollar Areas Highest Lives-Lost Areas Combination Theater