1 EpnkarGKiÁsnIPavUbnIykmµ CnbTRbkbedaynirnþrPaB Sustainable Rural Electrification Plan – SREP Ambassade de France au Cambodge ]btßmÖedayRksYgesdækic© ]sSahkmµ nigkargar RbeTs)araMg Supported by French Ministry of Economy, Industry and Labour (DGTPE) Status of Renewable Energy and Rural Electrification database Adrien Jacob, IED Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh 4 th March 2010
2 Content of the presentation 1.Elaboration of the database for Cambodia 2.Socio-economic maps (location of public services and “Development Poles”) 3.Rural electrification status 4.Hydro maps (existing, ongoing and potential) 5.Biomass maps (existing and potential)
3 Sources of data (1/2) Commune & Village database (Seila) from NIS (2008) villages Comprehensive socio-economic database at commune & villages levels (361 attributes) MPWT database (2003) Roads Administrative boundaries MoH (2005) Healthcare facilities, personnel, number of patients
4 Sources of data (2/2) MoEYS (2007) Schools, number of students, number of classes classes EDC database (2008) Covers EDC areas with power systems details EAC database (2010) REE facilities and areas MIME data (2010) Hydro potential Existing biomass projects Previous studies on Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy
5 Villages and provincial towns
6 Population at district level
7 Identification of priority RE targets We will give higher priority to villages/towns (« Development Poles »), with relatively better quality of service in terms of: Education (schools) Health (health centres, hospitals, access to drinking water…) Economic opportunities (markets, microcredit…) In order to maximise the impact of electrification of « Development Poles » not only in the Pole itself but also on their surrounding areas
8 Health & Education facilities
9 Quality of service at district level
10 Average quality of service relative to population
11 Location of selected Development Poles
12 Selected Development Poles About 10% of villages in each province selected as Development Poles Total of 1421 DPs 571 not electrified yet (as of Village database 2008) 439 not in any REE license zone
13 Rural Electrification status of villages
14 Village electrification rate
15 Power infrastructure
16 Hydro potential projects Data on potential sites collected from: JICA Master Plan (2005) MERITEC study (2003) Other MIME data (2010) 83 sites between 50kW and 2MW have been kept
17 Map of hydro projects
18 Biomass projects Focus on biomass residues from agro- industries Targeted technologies and residues Gasification: rice husk, wood residues, corn cobs Cogeneration: sugarcane, rice husk Biogas: animal waste, palm oil, cassava
19 Existing biomass projects
20 Potentially interesting agro-industries
21 Conclusions Status of data collected has been presented This will be discussed in further details tomorrow with relevant stakeholders and provincial authorities, to assess the need and methodology for further data collection While data is a mandatory input for the planning process, other very important ones are policy targets and constraints This is the topic of the following presentations of today, where we will get inputs from the players of Cambodian power sector: MIME, EDC, EAC and REF
22 Thank you for your attention !