What car will you drive?
What fuel will it run on?
Short- and long-term availability Cost to develop, produce and distribute Net energy yield of balance Environmental impact Sustainability: renewable, nonrenewable, or nonexhaustible
Biodiesel: Soybean, Algae Ethanol: Corn, Algae, other Biomass energy sources (sugarcane, sugarbeets, wood, switchgrass, etc.) Geothermal Hydropower Solar Coal Wind
Oil prices are linked to food …and most everything else… food costs more because the energy to produce the food costs more. High Grain Prices Biofuel demand Global shortages related to weather Speculation
Production Cycle Fields of Energy DVD Web stream Advantages & Disadvantages Subsidies Environmental Impacts Future of the fuel, could the U.S. run on biofuel?
Ethanol Plant Super Yeast: Making ethanol production more efficient Super Yeast Switchgrass Science Biodiesel Plant Fats to Fuel Algae (QuickTime Movie for download) Algae YouTube Algae Movies YouTube Algae Movies Green Fuel – Algae (History Channel) Green Fuel – Algae Hydrogen Algae Research
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