Art International International Collections of Art in Sheffield International city-wide art exhibition and events programme taking place in Sheffield between September and December 2015 Promote, advocate, support
The challenge To work in partnership to develop an imaginative European and global ambition for the city What can we learn from Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow?
The opportunity To put Sheffield on an international stage for the highest quality cultural events To raise city profile; attract influential opinion formers and investors To lead the debate about growth, investment and modern philanthropy in the North
The project Five partners Four European collectors Four outstanding collections Five city centre venues working together Places Sheffield on an international stage
The project Stunning exhibitions city-wide Unique opportunity to enrich the learning experience of students, young people, adults International investors private view Exclusive events, workshops, placements Symposia, lectures National press coverage
Venues Sheffield Cathedral Graves Gallery Millennium Gallery Sheffield Institute of SHU Site Gallery Fringe events at other venues
The people 4 Key players in continental European business Members of International Board at Tate, MOMA (NY), Louvre and Reina Sofia Collectors with backgrounds in heavy industry, finance and natural resources, property development, luxury industry, and telecommunications
Collectors Influential European Collectors: Nicolas Cattelain Patrizia and Eugenio Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Dominique & Sylvain Levy Egidio and Daniel Marzona
International City Ambitious Reposition reputation International high quality art A vibrant city attracts vibrant business
Resource ACE MPM/G4A funding Business support Partners sites, expertise and resource London-based international PR Agency; sponsorship, profile, contacts, press Support from Tate Liverpool & YSP
Success Tells a story of an ambitious city Of a vibrant, competitive city Of cultural investment and development A city to be proud of Significant first step Help us make it work
Thank you Peter Bradley Kim Streets