School Health
School Health Definition: Importance: The strategies, activities, and services offered by, in, or in association with schools that are designed to promote students' physical, emotional, and social development Importance: -Improving health of the community
Coordinated School Health Program Components:
البرنامج الصحي المدرسي الشامل (المدرسة المعززة للصحة) تلاميذ أصحاء "نقلاً من محاضرة د سعيد أرناؤوط" والمجتمع مع المدرسة شراكة الأسرة التربية الصحية ا معافاة المعلمين التربية البدنية البيئـة الصحّية المشورة والدعم التغذية الصحية الخدمات الصحية البرنامج الصحي المدرسي الشامل (المدرسة المعززة للصحة) الثقافة الأسرة التعليم المجتمع الخدمات العمومية الإعلام الوضع الاقتصادي الاجتماعي
1- Health Education A planned, sequential, K-12 curriculum that addresses the physical, mental, emotional and social dimensions of health. The comprehensive curriculum includes a variety of topics such as: personal health, family health, community health, consumer health, environmental health, sexuality education????, mental and emotional health, injury prevention and safety, nutrition, prevention and control of disease, and substance use and abuse.
Health Education الصحة الروحية: ** ما هــــــــو الأهم فيها؟!! Health Education through Religion Series(from emro) : 1. Islamic Rulings in Smoking 2. Water and Sanitation in Islam 3. Islamic Ruling on Animal Slaughter 4. Health Promotion through Islamic Lifestyles; the Amman Declaration 5. The Role of Religion and Ethics in the Prevention and Control of AIDS 6. Health an Islamic Perspective 7. Environmental Health an Islamic Perspective 8. Islamic Rulings on Male and Female Circumcision
Health Education reducing health-related risk behaviors Qualified, trained teachers provide health education.
2- Physical Education A planned, sequential K-12 curriculum that…. provides cognitive content and learning experiences in a variety of activity areas such as: basic movement skills; physical fitness; rhythms and; team, dual, and individual sports; tumbling and gymnastics; and aquatics. Quality physical education should promote, through a variety of planned physical activities, each student's optimum physical, mental, emotional, and social development, and should promote activities and sports that all students enjoy and can pursue throughout their lives. Qualified, trained teachers teach physical activity
3-Health Services Health Services… Growing kids require a regularly scheduled health "maintenance" program-including: immunizations, dental checkups, physicals, eye exams.. (Health appraisal). other types of screenings, and in certain instances, daily medication. With the help of health professionals, schools can encourage preventive services to enable students to take proactive measures to stay healthy and get more out of school. It might also include identification of health problems, early intervention, problem solving and/or referral of specific health problem
Health Services Health Services: Services provided for students to appraise, protect, and promote health. These services are designed to ensure access or referral to primary health care services or both, foster appropriate use of primary health care services, prevent and control communicable disease and other health problems, provide emergency care for illness or injury, promote and provide optimum sanitary conditions for a safe school facility and school environment, and provide educational and counseling opportunities for promoting and maintaining individual, family, and community health. Qualified professionals such as physicians, nurses, dentists, health educators, and other allied health personnel provide these services.
Health Services School nurse 1:750 firist aid CPR
4- Nutrition services Qualified child nutrition professionals provide these services. Research indicates that children who eat breakfast learn better . School breakfast programs Foods avialable in the school
5- Counseling, Psychological, Mental Health, and Social Services Individual and group assessments, interventions, and referrals. Professionals such as certified school counselors, psychologists, and social workers provide these services. Organizational assessment and consultation skills of counselors and psychologists contribute not only to the health of students but also to the health of the school environment.
Counseling, Psychological, Mental Health, and Social Services School counseling and psychological services are capable of intervening in areas of: -assertiveness training, -life skills training, -peer interaction, -self esteem, -problem solving and -conflict resolution.
6-Healthy School Environment The physical and aesthetic surroundings The psychosocial climate and culture of the school. Factors that influence the physical environment - the school building -the area surrounding it, -any biological or chemical agents that are detrimental to health, -and physical conditions such as temperature, noise, and lighting.
Healthy School Environment The psychological environment includes the physical, emotional, and social conditions that affect the well-being of students and staff.
7- Health Promotion for Staff health assessments health education health-related fitness activities Advantage: encourage school staff to pursue a healthy lifestyle that contributes to their improved health status,and improved morale. greater personal commitment to the school's overall coordinated health program positive role modeling improved productivity, decreased absenteeism, and reduced health insurance costs.
8- Parent/Community Involvement With: -parents, -business, -local health providers, -and other community groups interested in the health outcomes of students. School health advisory councils, coalitions, and broadly based constituencies for school health can build support for school health program efforts.
“ WHO HEALTH-PROMOTING SCHOOLS" strives to improve the health of school personnel, families and community members as well as students; fosters health and learning with all the measures at its disposal; engages health and education officials, teachers and their representative organizations, students, parents and community leaders in efforts to make the school a healthy place;
“ WHO HEALTH-PROMOTING SCHOOLS" strives to provide a healthy environment, school health education and school health services along with school/community projects and outreach, health promotion programmes for staff, nutrition and food safety programmes, opportunities for physical education and recreation and programmes for counselling, social support and mental health promotion; implements policies and practices that respect an individual's self-esteem, provide multiple opportunities for success and acknowledge good efforts and intentions as well as personal achievements.
WHO HEALTH-PROMOTING SCHOOLS-- strategies 1. Strengthening the ability to advocate for improved school health programmes 2. Creating Networks and Alliances for the development of Health-Promoting Schools 3. Strengthening national capacities 4. Research to improve school health programmes
مبادرة الأمم المتحدة للصحة المدرسية الفعالة(FRESH) تطوير السياسات الصحية (بالنسبة للدول ومؤسسات التعليم)؛ توفير المياه السليمة والتسهيلات الصحية الملاءمة في المدارس؛
مبادرة الأمم المتحدة للصحة المدرسية الفعالة(FRESH) تعزيز التعليم الصحي المبني على المهارات؛ تحديث البرامج والخدمات الصحية في المدرسة والمجتمع. في المنطقة العربية قام مكتب اليونسكو الإقليمي – بيروت بالتعاون مع كلية العلوم الصحية في الجامعة الأمريكية – بيروت بتنفيذ عناصر هذه المبادرة في خمس دول (كمرحلة أولية) هي: الأردن، والسودان، وسلطنة عمان، ومصر، واليمن. ** (من محاضرة للدكتور د. سليمان عواد سليمان و السيدة ميادة كنج في المؤتمر العربي الثاني للصحة المدرسية ديسمبر 2003)**
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