Course Introduction to English for Management By YANG Xiaowan Aug. 31,
Textbook and the Teacher Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage, Louise Pile, Anne Williams, Summertown Publishing, 2002 ; 2
Before we start our course introduction, here are some Q&As. 3
Q: Why do we have to learn English for Business? A: Please read and try to understand the following article. 4
Mortgage relief Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac enjoyed a respite, with the share prices of both government-backed mortgage giants making huge gains after brokers pointed out that they had enough capital to avoid a government bail-out for some months. Fannie Mae shook up its management team, replacing three executives, including its chief financial officer and chief risk officer. 5
Questions What’s the economic issue addressed in this article? Who are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Are they a couple? What do brokers do? Why do they try to prove that they can avoid a government bail-out? What makes Fannie Mae shake up its management team? 6
respite sub-prime mortgage Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac broker bail-out shake up 7 Terms & expressions
Reading: articles, reports, letters, memos, notices, messages, minutes, resources Writing: s, notes, memos, formal letters, reports, notices, minutes Listening: telephone conversations/messages, short monologues, longer conversations, discussions and presentations Speaking: Giving information, giving a short talk, discussing a scenario 8
Course Objectives This course is NOT exam-oriented. By taking this course, students should be able to: 10
Course Objectives understand general business knowledge, frequently used business English writing formats and skills; Letters, faxes, reports, memos know how to communicate both in written form and oral form in international business context; know how to obtain, integrate and utilize business-related information. 11
What you should do participate in in-class lectures and discussions, finish business writing homework according to lecturer’s instructions; finish a pair work and deliver orally in front of the class (every class) read financial and economic newspapers and magazines frequently 12
Teaching Pattern The course will be delivered jointly by lectures, readings and group discussions. Some particular texts will be learned, a lot of supplementary reading materials will be assigned to you 13
Assessment: Final score= Attendance & Participation 10% +Business News Review 15% + Letter Writing 10% + Quiz 15% +Final exam 50%. End-of-term written test will focus on languange, with a basic understanding toward general business knowledge. 14
Online Newspaper Links 泰晤士报 金融时报 泰晤在 线 世界 新闻报 每日邮报 卫报 每日镜报 未来音乐 旁观者 现在 闲暇 新科学家 科学通讯 学科进展 新政治家 侦探 发现 科学世界 妇女之国 听众 妇女界 笨拙 英国简氏防务周刊 旗帜晚报 英国观察家报 每日快讯 格拉斯哥先驱报 新闻晚报 独立报 星期日泰晤士报 英国每日电讯 英国经济学家 泰晤士报文学增刊 新社会 地理杂志 自然
美联社 洛杉矶时报 美国新闻 华尔街日报评论 今日美国 巴尔的摩太阳报 华盛顿邮报 华尔街日报 新闻周刊 美国全国广播公司 基督教科学箴言报 先驱日报 路透社 纽约每日新闻 远东经济评论 国际先驱论坛报 美国快报 纽约时报 芝加哥论坛报 华盛顿新闻报 商业日报 美国广播公司 彭博新闻社 美国有线广播电视网 CNN 纽约邮报 华盛顿每日新闻 论坛报 哥伦比亚广播公司市 场观察 时代周刊 新闻周刊 时尚 纽约时报杂志 国家杂志 每周标准 财富 电视指南 哈佛商业评论 妇女家庭杂志 国家评论 沙龙 福布斯 国家地理杂志 人物 美国新闻与世界报道 美国观察 者 新共和 读者文摘 花花公子 体育画报 美国周末 外交事务杂志 民族 商业周刊 名利场 娱乐周刊 旅行 街 安全政策研究 中心 纽约书评 外交政策聚焦 外交政策 大西洋月刊 纽约客 网上各国政府资料