Library research workshop for ENSC 100/101 Gordon Coleman Librarian for Engineering Simon Fraser University Library Fall 2005
Overview 1. The research cycle 2. Types of sources 3. Research tools, search engines 4. Constructing effective searches 5. Critical thinking about sources 6. Getting help
How to do it wrong … “Gee, it’s Friday and my paper’s due on Monday. No problem! I’ll go to the library today and get a bunch of books and articles. On Saturday I’ll read ‘em and make notes, and on Sunday I’ll write the paper. No problem!”
Research is a cycle 1. Ask a new question 2. Search and find 3. Read, evaluate, think, absorb 4. Write (?) 5. Done!
Research is iterative Each time through the cycle you learn more your topic, which leads to new questions Each cycle spawns a new cycle (or cycles) Research takes time
Types of sources Challenge: Think of all the types of sources you might use to write a paper on the topic: the Digital Divide in Canada. e.g.: books, newspaper articles … Feel free to talk to the people around you and share ideas.
Types of sources First cycle: overviews, intros First cycle: overviews, intros Encyclopedias, handbooks Encyclopedias, handbooks Newspaper, magazine articles Newspaper, magazine articles Websites Websites Second cycle: more in-depth info Second cycle: more in-depth info Books Books Scholarly journal articles Scholarly journal articles Third cycle: specialized info Third cycle: specialized info Government reports, policy papers Government reports, policy papers Statistics Statistics Think tank reports Think tank reports
Narrowing your focus “The Digital Divide in Canada” is my topic, but my focus will be much narrower: “The Digital Divide in Canada” is my topic, but my focus will be much narrower: B.C. should follow Alberta’s example in implementing a provincial strategy to bring high speed internet connectivity to any town with a population >200. Remember that you’re trying to persuade your reader about something Remember that you’re trying to persuade your reader about something Try to avoid simplistic black/white thinking, e.g. nuclear power is good/bad Try to avoid simplistic black/white thinking, e.g. nuclear power is good/bad
Research tools, search engines Overviews, intros Overviews, intros 1. Encyclopedias 2. Newspaper, magazine articles 3. Websites In-depth info In-depth info 4. Books 5. Scholarly journal articles Specialized Specialized 6. Government reports 7. Statistics 8. Think tank reports 1. See the Subject Guides 2. Canadian Newsstand, CBCA Current Events 3. Google 4. Library Catalogue 5. Many search engines! 6. Canadian Research Index 7. StatsCan etc. 8. ?
ENSC 100/101 Resource Page The search tools listed on the previous slide are all available via the Resource Page for your assignment: The search tools listed on the previous slide are all available via the Resource Page for your assignment: classes/engr101_fall05.htm classes/engr101_fall05.htm
Constructing effective searches Spend some time figuring out the default search mode and search syntax of each search engine Spend some time figuring out the default search mode and search syntax of each search engine Why does the following search produce no hits? How could you improve the search? Why does the following search produce no hits? How could you improve the search? Database: Academic Search Elite Query: digital divide canada
When your search gets zero hits Think of synonyms or other words for your topic; combine them with OR Think of synonyms or other words for your topic; combine them with OR Use the truncation symbol: canad* Use the truncation symbol: canad* If you find one good hit, see if there are Subject Headings you can follow to other hits If you find one good hit, see if there are Subject Headings you can follow to other hits Choose a broader topic Choose a broader topic Avoid vague terms like “causes”, “impact” Avoid vague terms like “causes”, “impact” Choose a different database Choose a different database
When your search gets too many hits Add another concept with AND Add another concept with AND Choose narrower or more specific terms Choose narrower or more specific terms Limit your hits by date, academic journal, etc. Limit your hits by date, academic journal, etc. If you find one good hit, see if there are Subject Headings you can follow to other hits If you find one good hit, see if there are Subject Headings you can follow to other hits For more tips see /improving_search.pdf For more tips see /improving_search.pdf /improving_search.pdf /improving_search.pdf
Getting your hands on the item Sometimes it’s online in the database you’re searching Sometimes it’s online in the database you’re searching If not, hit the Where Can I Get This? button to see whether it’s available: If not, hit the Where Can I Get This? button to see whether it’s available: Online through another database/website Online through another database/website In print on the Library’s shelves In print on the Library’s shelves
Thinking critically about sources Everyone knows you want sources which are accurate, reliable – but how can you tell? Everyone knows you want sources which are accurate, reliable – but how can you tell? Challenge: Imagine you’re looking at a print-out of an article from the internet. What could you look for to determine if it’s reliable?
Source evaluation checklist (1) 1. Author: evidence that s/he is an expert? 2. Are there spelling/grammar mistakes? Poor organization? 3. How detailed is the information? 4. Does this item indicate other sources? (e.g. a bibliography or footnotes) 5. Is there a date?
Source evaluation checklist (2) 6. Is this a controversial topic or one where someone might gain financially? 7. Is this consistent with what you already know about the topic? 8. Do other sources refer to this one? 9. What is the context in which you find this information? (e.g. book with MIT Press on the spine vs. online Vancouver Sun article vs. blog entry vs. …)
Academic vs. Non-academic journals Professors/scientists/researchers write articles for academic journals (a.k.a. scholarly journals) Professors/scientists/researchers write articles for academic journals (a.k.a. scholarly journals) These are peer-reviewed (=checked by other professors), so they are usually reliable sources These are peer-reviewed (=checked by other professors), so they are usually reliable sources What to look for: What to look for: Author is affiliated with a university Author is affiliated with a university There are footnotes/endnotes and a bibliography There are footnotes/endnotes and a bibliography Article style is academic Article style is academic No glossy ads No glossy ads
Getting assistance You’re not alone! Asking for help with library research is okay. You’re not alone! Asking for help with library research is okay. See the AskUs page for info on how to contact us: See the AskUs page for info on how to contact us: In person In person Phone Phone Online chat Online chat
Questions? Thanks! Gordon Coleman