Mon – quesadilla / fajita ckn taco Tue – spaghetti / ckn salad croiss. Wed – ckn pot pie / fish sw Thu – hamburger / tuna sub Fri – turkey sub / burrito
Mon – cereal & toast Tue – pancake on a stick Wed – sausage biscuit Thu – poptart & grits Fri – yogurt & muffin
–autodidact –\aw-toh-DY-dakt\, noun; –1.One who is self-taught.
All boys basketball players participating in onion sale fundraiser: get money and orders in by no later than Wednesday morning.
Boys soccer players: see Coach Kessler sometime on 5/13 or 5/16.
Flip flop day May 19 $1 For HOSA
Krispy Kreme Doughnut fundraiser See a HOSA member or stop by room 601 Delivery: 5/20
Bring your license on 5/13 to the stage and get your thumb ring for no texting and driving. You must have a valid ID.
Seniors: turn in the orange form to the counselors with your scholarships received. We must have it by May 16!
If you missed the yearbook and newspaper meeting on May 11, stop by room 816 ASAP for important information. If you signed up for JOURNALISM, stop by ASAP.
Congrats to the Rebel Baseball team for their wins over Mundy’s Mill and Northside- Warner Robins! The Rebels are now in the ELITE 8 and play next week in the State Baseball Playoffs!! Congratulations!! GO REBELS
The Rebel Country Store is now selling ‘E’ pins for $3 and Josh Stafford memorial car stickers for $10.
Last day of business this year for the Rebel Country Store is May 17. Stop by and see our food and clothing specials!! We appreciate your business!
FBLA members: turn in March of Dimes money and any candy money.
FBLA awards ceremony May 23 6:30 p.m. ECHS cafeteria Attend? Tell Mrs. Waltz
HOSA bake sale May 13 during all lunches HOSA members: bring baked items to room 601
Extra yearbooks! $80 Room 816 Stop by 1 st, 2 nd, or 3 rd period. Room is closed during 4 th lunch and 4 th period.
SkillsUSA officers meeting May 16 All must attend!
SkillsUSA End of the year meeting May 19 Officers will be announced Food & fun! Be sure to attend!
Need help passing the GHSGT? See Mrs. Seckinger or Dr. Pevey by May 25 to sign up for Project Express Plus. Reviews begin July 5 Testing July 11-15
Amnesty week at the Media Center! Return overdue books by Friday, May 13, with no late fees! This week only!!
The senior class is building a Memorial Garden to remember Whitney Newman, Neil Morgan, and Josh Stafford. Buy a brick for $20 and/or put a message on it. Pay Ms. Bland in the front office.
Final French club meeting Sunday, May p.m. Jamie Grafton’s house Sign up with Mr. Carnes
French club needs a new President & Vice President. Get an application in room 112
Current sophomores and juniors: if you missed last Thursday’s meeting with Mr. Martin about travel to Europe in the summer of 2012, please see Mr. Martin in room 206. Prospective participants need new materials.
Senior cap & gown pictures are in and they can be picked up in room 816 during 1st, 2nd, or 3 rd periods. Room is closed during 4 th lunch and 4 th period.
Class of 2012 Senior Pictures: July Mark your calendars You must take pictures at ECHS to be in the yearbook.
Seniors: to request transcripts please come by the counselor’s office and fill out a request from. Please do not request them online until school starts in the Fall.
Seniors: return graduation forms to Mr. Martin as soon as possible.
Listen to Rebel Radio! Have your own show! Stop by room 816 for details.
Watch our TV channel!
Be our fan on Facebook! Search “Effingham County Rebels” and join the more than 2,800 fans in the Rebel Nation! Go Rebels!
Buy pictures from this school year!
Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings): Follow us on