Protection Mainstreaming


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Presentation transcript:

Protection Mainstreaming Presentation by GPC/Protection Mainstreaming Task Team Julien Marneffe, Philippines, December 2013

Objectives of workshop Introduce Protection Mainstreaming Present the 4 key Protection Mainstreaming principles Protection Mainstreaming Checklist Outputs: Action Plan/Key priorities on Protection Mainstreaming & coordination Evaluation of 2-hour training module

Definitions Protection “All activities aimed at obtaining full respect for the rights of the individual in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant bodies of law (i.e., Human Rights Law, IHL, Refugee Law).”

Definitions Protection Mainstreaming “[It] is the process of incorporating protection principles, and promoting safety, dignity and meaningful access […] in all humanitarian activities.”

Humanitarian Imperative Humanitarian action consists of two main pillars: protection and assistance. Protection is a core part of humanitarian action Not all humanitarian agencies are expected to implement Protection programmes Responsibility of all humanitarian agencies Ethical responsibility to incorporate protection principles into their humanitarian response programmes. 1. Inter-Agency Standing Committee – Transformative agenda (better programming, enhanced accountability, and more effective coordination, empowered leadership,…) 2. Sphere (2011) Humanitarian action consists of two main pillars: protection and assistance. Protection is a core part of humanitarian action and the Protection Principles point to the responsibility of all humanitarian agencies to ensure that their activities are concerned with the more severe threats that affected people commonly face in times of conflict or disaster. 3. Inter-Agency Minimum Standard for Protection Mainstreaming (2013) Not all humanitarian agencies are expected to implement Protection programmes, or have the necessary staff and skills to do so. However, all humanitarian actors have an ethical responsibility to incorporate protection principles into their humanitarian response programmes.

Protection Mainstreaming v. Programming HOW WHAT Mainstreaming Non-protection Protection YES NO Protection Mainstreaming enhances the quality and maximizes the impact of humanitarian programming. Protection Mainstreaming does NOT replace protection programming. Protection Mainstreaming is about HOW we provide assistance; Protection is about WHAT we do/provide. Protection Mainstreaming enhances the quality and maximizes the impact of humanitarian programming, at all stages of an intervention cycle and without adding new activities. PM does NOT replace protection programming. Protection Mainstreaming is about HOW we provide assistance; Protection is about WHAT we do/provide.

Mainstreaming v. Programme Activities Type/Sector Food distribution Food security Adapting food distribution implementation to ensure access by most vulnerable population – in particular elderly and persons with disabilities Protection mainstreaming Monitoring of Protection Needs and case management of persons with disabilities or Distributing dignity kits to vulnerable women in affected areas Protection

Protection Mainstreaming v. Programming Risk analysis (Do No Harm) – eg. Time/location of distribution YES Protection analysis (eg. Is situation ripe for return?) Identify all groups of vulnerable beneficiaries Protection monitoring Community information/consultation meeting Information on services & Self-Referral Referral/Case management Human Rights Sensitization Advocacy on equal access, safety & dignity, accountability and participation issues Advocacy on Protection/Human Rights issues

What Protection Mainstreaming needs Genuine commitment to humanitarian ethics Flexibility from humanitarian actors & donors Training, key tools & best practices (inspiration) Thinking critically about humanitarian work through a “protection lens” Genuine commitment to humanitarian ethics Flexibility from humanitarian actors & donors Coordination & inclusion in agendas Resources (human and financial) Time Training, key tools & best practices (inspiration) Most importantly a mindset, i.e.: thinking critically and out of the box about our work through a “protection lens”

Protection Mainstreaming Principles Safety & Dignity (Do No Harm) Equality (Meaningful access to impartial assistance) Participation and Empowerment Accountability to affected populations THESE PRINCIPLES INFORM THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HUMANITARIAN PRINCIPLES THEY ARE INTERTWINED, COMPLEMENTARY AND INTERDEPENDENT The key protection principles that must be taken into account in all humanitarian activities are: 1. Avoid causing harm: prevent and minimize as much as possible any unintended negative effects of your intervention which can increase people’s vulnerability to both physical and psychosocial risks 2. Equality: ensure people’s meaningful access to impartial assistance and services - in proportion to need and without any barriers (i.e. discrimination). Pay special attention to individuals and groups who may be particularly vulnerable or have difficulty accessing assistance and services. 3. Accountability to beneficiaries: set-up appropriate mechanisms through which affected populations can measure the adequacy of interventions, or address concerns and complaints 4. Participation and Empowerment: support the development of self-protection capacities and assist people to claim their rights, including - not exclusively - the rights to shelter, food, water and sanitation, health, and education

Principle 1: Safety & Dignity Humanitarians have a duty to promote the safety and dignity of affected populations Avoid causing harm by creating additional threats, increasing discrimination or people’s vulnerability Prevent and minimize as much as possible any unintended negative effects of our intervention Humanitarian assistance goes beyond material needs – we have a duty to ensure and promote the safety and dignity of the affected population Avoid causing harm by creating additional threats, increasing discrimination or people’s vulnerability Prevent and minimize as much as possible any unintended negative effects of our intervention

Key activities for Safety & Dignity Risk Analysis of humanitarian actions RISK = THREAT x VULNERABILITY x TIME/CAPACITY Report protection threats or Human Rights violations Dignity: (re-)Build self-esteem and self-confidence; Avoid stigmatization and victimization (see principle 3&4) Provide choice/opportunities for choice Safety: Risk Analysis of humanitarian actions RISK = THREAT x VULNERABILITY x TIME/CAPACITY Respect confidentiality Report protection threats or Human Rights violations Dignity: (re-)Build self-esteem and self-confidence; Avoid stigmatization and victimization, or creating/maintaining dependence (see principle 3&4) Respect cultural needs of people (“mind and soul”) Provide choice/opportunities for choice

How to ensure safety and dignity? Assessment, analysis and monitoring Understand the context, cultural norms and values, social dynamics and conflicts Critical thinking Ensure participation and accountability to affected population (see principles 3 & 4) Sometimes, not providing assistance at all may be the right decision It is never too late to change plans Assessment/Monitoring and critical thinking: Monitor activities and impact to ensure they are not being/becoming counter-productive or causing harm Think critically about the planned intervention and its implementation Understand the context, cultural norms and values, social & power dynamics, conflicts (conflict sensitivity) Ensure participation and accountability to affected population (see principles 3 & 4) Be ready to make tough calls - Sometimes, not providing assistance at all (temporarily or definitely stop) may be the right decision It is never too late to change plans and activities, especially if they are causing harm or are counter-productive

Principle 2: Equality Ensure meaningful access to impartial assistance and services based on needs and without barriers/discrimination Meaningful access requires assistance and services that are: Available in sufficient quantity and quality Provided on the basis of need and without discrimination* Know by the affected population Physically accessible and within safe reach Financially accessible Culturally appropriate Sensitive to age and gender

Key activities for equality Identify vulnerable groups and their specific needs Men, Women, Children (girls & boys) and Elderly Persons with disabilities Minorities (ethnic, religious,…) Identify actual and potential barriers to access and necessary remedies (for each group) Physical (distance, time,…) Security Cultural Administrative Economic Information

How to ensure meaningful access? Assessment through (at least) consultation Plan activities on appropriate days and times Inform the population on planned assistance and existing services Sensitize population on services & access (address attitudes/reluctance) Monitor access to services Advocate to end discrimination or lift barriers Informing the population on activities - in a way that is culturally appropriate and is accessible to all, especially the most vulnerable

Principle 3: Participation The meaningful and active involvement of key stakeholders in each phase of a humanitarian programme cycle From mere information and consultation to full participation and empowerment Participation is essential for/to: Helping rebuild dignity of affected populations Ensuring that interventions are (more) relevant, appropriate and effective Engaging the community Enabling us to draw on local knowledge and capacity Build local capacity The meaningful and active involvement of key stakeholders in each phase of a humanitarian programme cycle From mere information and consultation to full participation and empowerment Participation is essential for/to: Helping rebuild dignity – in particular by increasing self-esteem/ reducing feelings of powerlessness Ensuring that interventions are relevant, appropriate and effective Engaging the community and putting the affected population back in control of their own lives Enabling us to draw on insights, knowledge, capacities, skills and resources of persons of concern Build local capacity

How to ensure effective participation? Adapt type and intensity of participation to context Gradually increase participation Working with local structures and leaders Supporting the development of self-protection capacities Assist people to access/realize their rights Adapt type and intensity of participation to context throughout programme cycle Participatory assessments to identify vulnerable groups, obstacles to access, and local capacity and resources Community monitoring access and barriers to services Gradually increase participation and put the affected population in charge of their own recovery Working with (create or support) representative community groups/structures (associations/civil society, committees, focal points,…) Community Action/Contingency Plans Supporting the development of self-protection capacities support self-protection (community/social networks – family, friends, etc) who are 1st circle of protection actors Assist people to access/realize their rights the second one being through participation, you make affected population actors of their own recovery – now humanitarian need to assist them in accessing/realizing their rights to that assistance and recovery; to help them understand they have a right to humanitarian assistance and recovery example: focus group question: Do we have to pay for humanitarian assistance?

Principle 4: Accountability The means through which power is used responsibly It is a process of taking account of, and being held accountable by, different stakeholders, and primarily those who are affected by the exercise of power Accountability to affected populations as the main stakeholders of humanitarian action Standards: Codes of conduct Humanitarian Accountability & Partnership Standards

Standards of Accountability Code of conduct Humanitarian Accountability & Partnership Standards Duty of care Participation and informed consent Offer redress Transparency Complementarity HAP Standards & Principles: Participation and informed consent: listening and responding to feedback from crisis-affected people when planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programmes, and making sure that crisis-affected people understand and agree with the proposed humanitarian action and are aware of its implications. Duty of care: meeting recognised minimum standards for the well-being of crisis-affected people, and paying proper attention to their safety and the safety of staff. Witness: reporting when the actions of others have a negative effect on the well-being of people in need of humanitarian assistance or protection. Offer redress: enabling crisis-affected people and staff to raise complaints, and responding with appropriate action. Transparency: being honest and open in communications and sharing relevant information, in an appropriate form, with crisis-affected people and other stakeholders. Complementarity: working as a responsible member of the aid community, co-ordinating with others to promote accountability to, and coherence for, crisis-affected people.

How to be effectively accountable Informing the population on activities & informed consent of affected populations Provide feedback on achievements, constraints, delays,… of humanitarian activities Setting up a feedback & complaints mechanism – in particular on (but not limited to) PSEA Do not commit to more than you can provide Manage expectations Complaints procedure: a specified series of actions though which an organization deals with complaints and ensures that complaints are reviewed and acted upon (see section 5.2 of HAP). Organizations that meet the HAP Standard have procedures for handling all types of complaints, including those related to sexual exploitation and abuse of crisis-affected people by staff.

PM and the Protection Cluster Four key responsibilities of the PC regarding PM: Ensure that PM is regularly placed on the agendas of the Inter-Cluster Coordination and HCT meetings Ensure that PM is included in trainings of other clusters Provide briefings on the outcomes of protection assessments at ICC & HCT meetings Work bilaterally with clusters that are considered to be of priority from a protection perspective to strengthen PM in their response

Additional resources WWW.GLOBALPROTECTIONCLUSTER.ORG Protection Mainstreaming Annotated reference list External resources Examples from Field Protection Clusters (tools) You can find examples of protection mainstreaming checklists from other clusters, in particular the Pacific Cluster and Palestine. Protection in natural disaster

Additional resources Safety & Dignity Participation Accountability Do No Harm Handbook (CDA) Participation Participation Handbook (ALNAP, URD 2009) Accountability Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) Standards 2010 Responding to Emergency Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse

Additional resources Minimum Inter-Agency Standards on Protection Mainstreaming (2012) Child Protection Minimum Standards for Child Protection (2013) See last section on mainstreaming of child protection in other humanitarian sectors Gender & SGBV Guidelines for Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings (IASC, 2005)