Research Paper Design
Schedule Oct 3: Research paper design Oct 10: Proposals due Oct 17: Proposals returned Oct 24: How to do a presentation Oct 31, Nov 7, 14: office hours Nov 21, 28: Class presentations Dec 5: completed project due
References & Sources Academic journals, books Government documents etc., Newspapers
CBCA –Canadian Business & Current Affairs Via York U Library website Enter “CBCA” in the e-resources field
CBCA Indexes every major Canadian periodical or newspaper since 1982 Try a variety of search terms Log in at York, or from home with York ID Can get full text of many articles Can references to yourself Can read articles on microfilm
E-STAT Statscan on-line e-resource Via York library website Access at York or from home with ID Census data, maps, federal statistics
Blogs & Flogs Blog: web log Flog: photo web log Interesting pictures – –
References Proposal requires a starter bibliography Review of 5 relevant sources
Project ideas
Big Brother Security cameras and surveillance in public space
Connected streets Connection between on-line street photography & art, and the street itself
Berlin Wall
Liverpool UK
Cybercafes and Internet lounges Connected public spaces
London UK
Ios, Greece
Halloween decorations The cultural geography of halloween decorations visible from the street.
Organized Hiking An activity using public space
The Geography of Dog Walking
The Impact of the Cellphone on Public Space
Geography of public drunkeness
Politics of public disorder on Toronto’s Streets
Geography of street protests
Impact of the Long Horned Beetle on public space
Formal & Informal Use of Monuments Public monuments: –used for personal or private rememberance –used in unintended ways Informal private monuments –road accident victims