OCLC Online Computer Library Center OCLC President’s Report 4 November 2003
OCLC will be the leading global library cooperative helping libraries serve people by providing economical access to knowledge through innovation and collaboration. Vision
650 3, ,100 36, The Cooperative 45,000 libraries 8,878 in 83 countries outside U.S. 45,000 libraries 8,878 in 83 countries outside U.S.
OCLC PICA Rein van Charldorp Nick RawsonJanet Lees
OCLC PICA Members Council delegates Christine Bailey University of Glasgow Wim van Drimmelin Royal Library of the Netherlands Diane Man University of the Witwatersrand Norma Read University of Cape Town
Latin America & the Caribbean
Asia Pacific Australia China Hong Kong Japan Korea Singapore Taiwan Cataloging QuestionPoint netLibrary FirstSearch E-journals ILLiad
WorldCat 53 million records 888 million location listings 40 million books 2.4 million serials 1.4 million visual materials
OCLC Research OCLC Research “A Metadata Framework to Support the Preservation of Digital Objects”
QuestionPoint Netherlands Canada UK China Greece Sweden Denmark Norway Japan Germany Switzerland Australia Taiwan Slovenia Belgium Non-US libraries
Olive software Historical newspaper digitization & delivery
tomorrow WorldCat tomorrow graphics, sound and motion new contributors UNICODE links full text MARC, Dublin Core, IFLA FRBR
A global cooperative
Links in the co-op
Einstein Knowledge map physicaldigital about by manuscripts articles video clips e-content articles books art documentaries images websites eBooks sound recordings