At the Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan, Shantikunj Haridwar research has been conducted to establish the inter-communion of science and spirituality. More than 80,000 results have proved that the synthesis is very strong. Here are some glimpses of the research carried out in Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan ….
Computerized Tread Mill Test An Advanced Test to Measure Cardiac Efficiency
Computerized Spirometer In this test various aspects of Lung Functions are measured before and after Pranayam
Computerized E.E.G.
21 channel Polyrite This Electroencephalograph Equipment is used to measure various parameter of the Brain.Various wave burst pattern specially alpha waves are noted during intense meditation.
Crude EEG Alpha Bursats Bursts of alpha waves are measured after filtration through Crude EEG by a two channel Physiograph. The Percentage improvement shows efficacy of Meditation and power of Mantra Shakti.
Steadiness Test Thought this test we measure the Mental Steadiness & Concentration of the Sadhak.
Flicker Fusion Test This test is effective in measuring various stresses. Correct interpretation of Flickering and Fusion gives the status of sadhak
Diastolic Blood Pressure is the main factor in Hypertension. Its reduction carries the maximum importance. During Sadhana, relaxation techniques, meditation and Yognidra bring it down by 0-31% in all Sadhaks.
The period of relaxation of heart (QT) enhances leading to more oxygenation to heart and reduction in heart rate after meditation. Heart Rate Before Meditation 86/Mt. After Meditation 68/Mt.
Advantage gained : 60% male sadhaks & 66% of female sadhaks increased their memory by words MEMORY (No. of words remembered out of ten)
Advantage gained : 64% male sadhaks increased V.C. by liters and 66% female sadhaks by liters (Liters of air ) Vital Capacity of Lungs
Advantage gained – B.P. of 31% male & 29% female sadhaks shifted towards normal in the range of mm of Hg
Advantage Gained – 60% male & 67% female sadhaks have improved in emission of Alpha waves. ALPHA EEG BIO-FEEDBACK
In spite of material progress & worldly achievements, one hardly finds- Peace Happiness Satisfaction Harmony Affection Love Possessive & selfish attitude largely prevailing in the entire human society has added to the sufferings of some and the cruelty or apathy of some others...
Astonishing power of sound Some facts…
Occurrences of earthquakes are also largely attributed to similar effects, of periodic resonance of superimposed sound waves deep inside earth’s surface
The same principle is seen working in ‘mob-psychology’ when the repeated shouting of certain motto or slogan – in grand processions, or revolutionary movements, etc – is found to stimulate public mind and motivate the masses towards the associated purpose....
Collapsing bridges due to sound energy created by synchronized marching of Army or sound of winds.
German scientists developed a weapon during World War I, producing sound waves of a frequency higher than 105 vibration/sec, which would ruin the target in less than a second because the resultant sonic waves would destroy the neurons of the subject at a rate faster than due to a high power direct electric shock.
Combination of specific syllables and vowels in the mantras are so designed that the japa of a particular mantra would have definite effects on some specific functional centers and domains of the hidden source of life. The latter include – 7 chakras 3 extrasensory ‘knots’ (granthis) 3 nadis (the latent energy currents/canals along the endocrine column), 10 prañas (ten streams of pr³ña) micro nerves.
These subtle vibrations stimulate the specific nodes of the extrasensory operations.. The activation of these nodes (sublime centers of inner consciousness) is indeed responsible for emergence of astonishing inner strength and supernatural faculties of the sadhaka
Internally, It stimulates the extrasensory energy centers (chakras) and subtle endocrine glands inside the body.
Last but not the least, proper training in proper atmosphere under the guidance of capable teacher training is required to learn the science of vibrations. In our training academy, 9 days training is given, to not only transform the personality rather helps in developing the supernatural powers.