N. Redon AW Uppsala July Proposal for a commissioning experiment with the AGATA Demonstrator Proposal for a commissioning experiment with the AGATA Demonstrator 7 th AGATA Week, Uppsala 8-11 July 2008 Q.T. Doan, O. Stézowski, D. Guinet, A. Vancraeyenest, N. Redon IPN Lyon, France An experiment to demonstrate the performance of the tracking - for fusion-evaporation reactions - with high multiplicity - medium energy -rays (~1 MeV) An experiment on well known and well populated superdeformed nucleus based on simulations
N. Redon AW Uppsala July population of the SD band in 152 Dy via a nearly mass-symmetric reaction 82 Se + 74 Ge 156 Dy* 152 Dy + 4n v/c ≈ 4.9% SD(2%) ND
N. Redon AW Uppsala July Simulations have been realized to compare the performances of EUROBALL (EB) and the AGATA Demonstrator (AD) (Q.T. Doan presentation, 6 th AGATA Week, November 2007) EB AD
N. Redon AW Uppsala July photopeak efficiency goes from ~9.5% (EB) to ~4-5% (AD at 140mm) for E ~ 1 MeV and M = reduction of the Doppler broadening
N. Redon AW Uppsala July statistics with fold ≥ 2 with AD at 140mm - coincidences
N. Redon AW Uppsala July 20086
9 Energy (keV) Counts
N. Redon AW Uppsala July Energy (keV) Counts
N. Redon AW Uppsala July Conclusions Simulations predict good performances for the AGATA Demonstrator at 140mm : excellent resolution and P/T Even with lower efficiency, AD gated spectra cleaner than EUROBALL ones We propose a fusion-evaporation test experiment : 74 Ge MeV (v/c ≈ 4.9%) to observe the Superdeformed Band in 152 Dy and check the performances of the AGATA Demonstrator at high multiplicity We will need 5 Triple Clusters at 140mm
N. Redon AW Uppsala July