Defect Analyzer for Rods Patrick Gartung
Installation Tried to install and compile on my desktop –Fermi Linux LTS 3.0 –Newer system QT library caused linking issues Installed and compiled on multirod system –Fermi Linux 7.3 Installed and compiled on single rod system –Do not want to cause any stability issues on multirod and single rod is used less often –Resolved remote access problem with Lenny’s help
Known bug Able to reproduce crash when DefAna is run on a root file for the second time –Narrowed the problem down to the text summarizer and possibly the histogrammer classes –Test summarizer is not needed since it really only works for cold box root files –Histrogrammer class crashes occasionally on second pass Always run DefAna on a new copy of the root file –This prevents the original from being corrupted –Histograms will be created without crashing
Plot generation Only those variables used for determining bad channels are presently plotted –CMSubtracted noise –Pedestal –Calibration profile pulse amplitude –Calibration profile pulse rise time More plots could be added –Timetune –Optoscan –Etc.
XML generation Records are saved in root with a database tag in each record (TNcdb) When the XML file is generated the program looks for this tag to determine which record goes in XML file Database tag set by SaveRec 4 th argument in scenario file Use SECLTFIRST, SECLTCOLD, and SECLTLAST for those records you are interested in putting in the XML file –This is usually the first measurement, the last measurement in the cold and the last measurement
Bad Channel Flagging Flags are generated based on absolute or percentage cuts (on chip average) Noise will have to be a percentage cut because of optical gain –Normalizing noise on tick height (distance between digital 0 and 1) was shown to be ineffective by TEC (V. Zhoukov talk Dec04) –Normalizing noise on chip average seems to be the only was to normalize without ARCS data (see V. Zhoukov talk Dec04) Channel flags are not set correctly –Noise flags are set correctly –5 of 6 modules have all channels flagged as likely pinholes –Currently working on tracking down the bug that causes this
Summary DefAna package compiles correctly on Fermi Linux 7.3 DefAna crashes in a predictable way that can be avoided Histrograms and XML files are generated when the correct DB tag is used Determining how to normalize the data and what cuts to use still needs work