WELCOME Mrs. Conley/Mrs. Fales Test Prep
What we DO in this class… Take multiple practice tests Discuss strategies and tips for taking the test Practice online at and receive feedback on progresswww.number2.com Review concepts that will be tested Practice, Practice, Practice!
What we DO NOT DO in this class. Teach 4 years of English, Reading, Writing, Math and Science in 1 semester Reveal secret ways to get the right answer without knowing the concept Give good grades just for trying.
College Transfer Info Kansas Residents Kansas residents transferring to the University of Kansas must meet the following admission requirements: Have at least 24 credit hours at the time of application with a 2.0 or higher GPA on a 4.0 scale from a community college or another regionally accredited college or university.
Supplies – Pencil Spiral Notebook (Warm-Ups) Binder Calculator (scientific or graphing, I suggest graphing) Notebook paper We do NOT loan calculators!!!
Attendance Attendance A student with an excused absence from class is responsible for the assignments that were missed. It is up to the student to inquire about missed work and tests. Zeros will be given if a student fails to make up work within the district’s allowed time frame. Unexcused absences void all make-up privileges. Absences: More than 11 total in a semester = loss of sem. credit More than 5 unexcused in a quarter = loss of qt. credit More than 8 unexcused in a semester = loss of sem. credit
The Schedule Check Julie Fales web backpack for the calendar. Pretty much it’s two weeks in math, the next two in English…
Late Work Late Work Class assignments, homework assignments, papers and projects may be turned in late with a penalty of 20% of the points possible subtracted for each day late. If a student has an excused absence for a test or quiz day, he/she is responsible for arranging to make up the test before or after school. Arranging a make- up requires setting an appointment with the instructor. A missed make-up appointment without prior notice will result in a zero.
Method of Evaluation Method of Evaluation: Points will be assigned for homework assignments, homework quizzes, mid-chapter quizzes, notebook checks, and chapter tests. Grades are calculated by percentage of total points (points earned/total points). Semester exams will be given at the end of each semester. Semester averages will be a cumulative total from the start of each semester. Semester grades are calculated as follows: 0.90(Semester Average) (Semester Exam grade) = Semester Grade