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The first test is the Names-Learning Test, it is a ‘paired association test’. Here you will first read a group of items, such as “the name of a Color…” with the corresponding specific pair “…is Yellow.” After reading all fifty pairs and a 60 sec delay, the test will begin with questions such as, “What is the name of the Color?” Within the time allowed, You should answer with the corresponding pair. In the example above the answer is “Yellow.” Correct answers will appear to validate your responses. Each correct answer counts for Two points with a maximum of 100. Normal is about 68. Some Web users must Click Each slide to advance to the next slide. Let’s Begin Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50)
The Name of a Color is Blue The Name of a Country is Denmark The Name of a City is Portland The Name of a State is Maine The Name of a Vegetable is Potato The Name of a Dessert is Flan The Name of a Meat is Beef The Name of a Fruit is Fig The Name of a Flower is Iris The Name of a Tree is a Magnolia NLT50 (1 of 5) Advance to the next slide Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) (Please wait for all 10 word pairs to appear)
The Name of a Fish is an Angel Fish The Name of a Bird is a Robin The Name of a Wild Animal is a Beaver The Name of a Farm Animal is a Chicken The Name of a Car Company is Volkswagen The Name of a Airplane is Concord The Name of a Famous Person is Muhammad Ali The Name of an article Clothing is a Dress The Name of a piece of Anatomy is the Ear The Name of a Geometric Shape is a Cone NLT50 (2 of 5) Advance to the next slide Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) (Please wait for all 10 word pairs to appear)
The Name of a Type Art is Water Color The Name of a Religion is Buddhism The Name of a Company is Avon The Name of a Insect is a cockroach The Name of a President I. Eisenhower The Name of a Desk item is a Scotch Tape The Name of a Kitchen item is a 1 qt Pot The Name of a Football Team is the Philadelphia Eagles The Name of a Military Branch is the Coast Guard The Name of a Fast Food is Hamburger NLT50 (3 of 5) Advance to the next slide Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) (Please wait for all 10 word pairs to appear)
The Name of a Board Game is Risk The Name of a Nefarious Person is Black Bart The Name of a Vitamin is C The Name of a Alcohol(Drink) is Beer The Name of a Book is Oliver Twist The Name of a Dance is Waltz The Name of a type of Weather is Rain The Name of a Sea is the Mediterranean The Name of a Building is the Chrysler Building The Name of a Weapon is a Bomb NLT50 (4 of 5) Advance to the next slide Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) (Please wait for all 10 word pairs to appear)
The Name of a type of Flooring is Dirt The Name of a River is the Mississippi The Name of a University is Duke The Name of a War is the U.S. Civil War The Name of a Musical Instrument is the guitar The Name of a Shoe is high heel The Name of a News Media is television The Name of a Soft Drink is 7-Up The Name of a Head of State is President The Name of a Planet is Uranus NLT50 (5 of 5) Advance to the next slide Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) (Please wait for all 10 word pairs to appear)
Advance to the second part of this test after sixty seconds. 60 Seconds 50 Seconds 40 Seconds 30 Seconds 20 Seconds 10 Seconds 00 Seconds Advance to the next slide
Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) Name of the Color? Name of the Country? Name of the City? Name of the State? Name of the Vegetable? Name of the Dessert? Name of the Meat? Name of the Fruit? Name of the Flower? Name of the Tree? Blue Denmark Portland Maine Potato Flan Beef Fig Iris Magnolia What is the… NLT50 (1 of 5) Advance to the next slide
Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) Name of the Fish? Name of the Bird? Name of the Wild Animal? Name of the Farm Animal? Name of the Car Company? Name of the Airplane? Name of the Famous Person? Name of the article Clothing? Name of the piece of Anatomy? Name of the Geometric Shape? Angel Fish Robin Beaver Chicken Volkswagen Concord Muhammad Ali Dress Ear Cone What is the… NLT50 (2 of 5) Advance to the next slide
Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) Name of the Type Art? Name of the Religion? Name of the Company? Name of the Insect? Name of the President? Name of the Desk item? Name of the Kitchen item? Name of the Football Team? Name of the Military Branch? Name of the Fast Food? Water Color Buddhism Avon Cockroach I. Eisenhower Scotch Tape 1 qt Pot Phila. Eagles Coast Guard Hamburger What is the… NLT50 (3 of 5) Advance to the next slide
Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) Name of the Game? Name of the Nefarious Person? Name of the Vitamin? Name of the Alcohol(Drink)? Name of the Book? Name of the Dance? Name of the Weather? Name of the Sea? Name of the Building ? Name of the Weapon? Risk Black Bart C Beer Oliver Twist Waltz Rain Mediterranean Chrysler Bldg. Bomb What is the… NLT50 (4 of 5) Advance to the next slide
Names Learning Test 50 (NLT50) Name of the Flooring? Name of the River? Name of the University? Name of the War? Name of the Musical Instrument? Name of the Shoe? Name of the News Media? Name of the Soft Drink? Name of the Head of State? Name of the Planet? Dirt Mississippi Duke U.S. Civil War Guitar High heel Television 7-Up President Uranus What is the… NLT50 (5 of 5) Advance to the next slide
The second test is the 20 Word Recall Test. Here you will read a list of 20 common words of 1-2 syllables at a rate of 6 seconds per word. When the list is complete you will have up to 2 minutes to recall as many of the 20 words as you can. The words will reappear to validate your responses. The normal is about 6.8 words Let’s Begin 20 Word Recall Test (20WRT)
Water April Exhale Idol Cactus News Trap Devil Today Office 20 common words will appear below. Read each word at a rate of 5-7 seconds per word. Rebel Bug Power Shall College Pecan Top Shower Soldier Judge Now take up to 2 minutes to recall as many of the words from above. Advance to the next slide for the answers
20 Word Recall Test (20WRT) Take 2 minutes to recall as many of the 20 words as you can. The normal is about 6.8 words. Water April Exhale Idol Cactus News Trap Devil Today Office Rebel Bug Power Shall College Pecan Top Shower Soldier Judge