PART 1: Check mono BWF files with AFI/DAMAGE criteria – Alert on failed. Passed files create MD5 and copy to new location. PART 2: Test MD5 – on migrated files. Alert on failed. PART 1PART 2
AUDIO PART: Unwrap QuickTime DV or ProRes file. Create mono BWF files – one for each track. Use container time- stamp to define Originator Time in BWF. Test with DEC – Alert on failed. Passed files copy to audio server. VIDEO PART: Move Video MOS files to video server. AUDIO SERVERVIDEO SERVER
Chace creates 5.1 soundtracks (discrete BWFs) These are encoded to Dolby Digital, DTS and SDDS formats and then decoded back to BWFs. Set up templates in Psychoacoustic Correlator to test files. Original BWFsEncode/Decode BWFs
Profile 1 – Loudness values are defined for one set of BWFs. Profile 2 – Loudness values are defined for a different set of BWFs. Any number of profiles/work flows can be created. Profile 1Profile 2… Profile x
Source files: 8 channel BWF field recordings. (Interleaved multi-channel.) AFI to test for hum. Rule defines hum threshold for processing criteria. DeBuzz and Repair Filter to clean generator hum and buzz for production dialog cleanup. 8 channel BWF Field Recordings Encode/Decode BWFs Repair Filter Spectral DeHiss Hum Detector DeBuzz