Grendel’s Mom
Warm Up List the qualities of a good mother (or any guardian). Tell of a time when someone protected you from harm (a role model, parent, or guardian) in a paragraph. Include a sentence with a conjunction.
Troll Wife Attacks Grendel’s mother kills Hrothgar’s closest friend (Aeshere) and takes back Grendel’s arm. Glazed over in the text, which is unfortunate. People came to see Grendel and to hear of the tale. Why do you think she does this?
Grendel’s Mother In the original text, it says that Grendel’s mother is in the likeness to a woman. What do you think that means?
The Lair: Home of Grendel’s Mother Read Lines What is Grendel/ Grendel’s Mother’s home like?
Comprehension Question What does Hrothgar promise Beowulf if he succeeds?
Debate: Who is right? Is Grendel’s mother right for doing what she did? Is Hrothgar right for doing what he did? Where do you stand? Why? Pretend there is a court case. Grendel’s mother is on trial for murder. Would you defend or prosecute her? On your white boards, write the name of the person who you think is right. Be prepared to defend your position.
Comprehension Question When Beowulf goes into battle this time, he brings weapons and armor. Why do you think he does this?
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Create a Story Board of the Battle Demonstrate comprehension by drawing a story board of the battle. Draw at least 3 images.
Gardner and Grendel Excerpt
Life in 999 Life was tough, as you will read. In pairs, answer the questions about the text! We will do the first one together!
Closing Write a journal about what life in 999 would be like. You can pretend to be in the following scenarios: 1.The few pleasures of a serf 2.A peasant accused of stealing 3.Life as a lord 4.A family member is sick 5.Life in a shack 6.A woman about to go into childbirth 7.A young man/ woman unwilling to be wed 8.Life as a clergyman