Jeopardy I’m Just A Bill.. Hail to the Chief Presidential Powers The Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch Jobs and Finances Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from “I’m Just a Bill” Where are all bills (potential laws) first placed in?
$100 Answer from “I’m Just a Bill” The Hopper! (16)
$200 Question from “I’m Just a Bill” Why are House members on less committees than in the Senate?
$200 Answer from “I’m Just a Bill” Because they have more members to divide amongst the committees (15)
$300 Question from “I’m Just a Bill” What man has the longest record for a filibuster (when a Senator will not stop talking on the Senate floor)?
$300 Answer from “I’m Just a Bill” Senator Strom Thurmond (21)
$400 Question from “I’m Just a Bill” What does Congress need to override a veto?
$400 Answer from “I’m Just a Bill” 2/3 of both the House and the Senate must approve (31)
$500 Question from “I’m Just a Bill” Which committee in the Republican Controlled House is the oldest and most powerful?
$500 Answer from “I’m Just a Bill” The House Rules Committee (20)
$100 Question from Hail to the Chief The 22 nd amendment which limits the president to serve only two terms in office was due to which president?
$100 Answer from Hail to the Chief Franklin Delano Roosevelt (32, 33)
$200 Question from Hail to the Chief In which war did the White House burn?
$200 Answer from Hail to the Chief War of 1812 (40)
$300 Question from Hail to the Chief Who (office or person) takes over for the president and vice-president if they cannot serve in office as president?
$300 Answer from Hail to the Chief The Speaker of the House John Boehner (36) (then it’s the Senate Pro Tempore and then the Secretary of State)
$400 Question from Hail to the Chief Who sets the president’s salary?
$400 Answer from Hail to the Chief Congress! (34)
$500 Question from Hail to the Chief Name the 3 Constitutional requirements for becoming president of the United States
$500 Answer from Hail to the Chief Must be at least 35 Must be natural born citizen Must be a resident for at least 14 years (35)
$100 Question from Presidential Powers Who must approve of all formal treaties started by the president and other countries?
$100 Answer from Presidential Powers The Senate (43)
$200 Question from Presidential Powers What is the presidential power known as amnesty?
$200 Answer from Presidential Powers When the president gives pardons to large groups of people (52)
$300 Question from Presidential Powers What’s the only crime the president cannot pardon?
$300 Answer from Presidential Powers Impeachment (45)
$400 Question from Presidential Powers The War Powers Act (which limited the presidents power to send out troops for only 90 days with Congress’ approval) was started due to which war?
$400 Answer from Presidential Powers The Vietnam War (44)
$500 Question from Presidential Powers What Supreme Court case stated that the Supreme Court can override a president’s actions ?
$500 Answer from Presidential Powers Marbury VS Madison (49)
$100 Question from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch Who nominates the members of the Cabinet?
$100 Answer from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch The president (Congress approves) (55,56)
$200 Question from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch Who is the head of the State Department (who deals with how the US gets along with other countries)?
$200 Answer from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch John Kerry (59)
$300 Question from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch What’s the collection of agencies and departments which make up the non- elected support staff of the local, state, and federal government called?
$300 Answer from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch The Bureaucracy (68)
$400 Question from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch The Attorney General heads which cabinet agency?
$400 Answer from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch Department of Justice (60)
$500 Question from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch What president was shot/assassinated in part due to the spoils system (the idea started by Andrew Jackson that the best campaign supporters should get the best government jobs)?
$500 Answer from the Cabinet and the rest of the Executive Branch President Garfield (71)
$100 Question from Jobs and Finances Under which cabinet agency can the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) be found?
$100 Answer from Jobs and Finances The Treasury Department (62)
$200 Question from Jobs and Finances What part of the Executive Office of the President (the EOP) helps make the nation’s budget ?
$200 Answer from Jobs and Finances The OMB (Office of Management and Budget)! (64)
$300 Question from Jobs and Finances What type of test do you have to pass to get a government job?
$300 Answer from Jobs and Finances A civil service test! (this was due to the Pendleton Act) (72)
$400 Question from Jobs and Finances Where do all tax bills start?
$400 Answer from Jobs and Finances The House of Representatives (3)
$500 Question from Jobs and Finances Who helps control the interest rate?
$500 Answer from Jobs and Finances The “Fed” (Federal Reserve) (Remember when interest rates are high you save, when they are low you spend!) (6)
Final Jeopardy Question Name 4 of the 7 Roles of the President
Final Jeopardy Answer Head of State Chief Executive Chief Legislator Chief Diplomat Commander in Chief Economic Planner Party Leader (50)