1900-a scientist named Tsiolkovsky started testing rockets, Russia was responsible for his project. He is known as the Farther of Russian astronautics A scientist named Goddard patented the first rocket, even know it was a short trip the rocket got up to 600 mph America was responsible for his invention Goddard launches the first successful rocket America was responsible. Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard is considered the father of modern rocket propulsion TIMELINE BEGINS
1930-V-2 spacecraft was made Germany was responsible. The real name for V-2 is ("vengeance weapon 2") 1944-V-2 spacecraft left Earth’s atmosphere from Germany Today a V-2 is on display at the National Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington Viking spacecraft reached 159 miles above Earth The Viking were designed to take high-resolution images of the Martian surface, characterize the structure and composition of the atmosphere and surface, and search for evidence of life America was responsible. TIMELINE CONTINUES
1957-Soviet satellite, Sputnik, became the first manmade object to orbit Earth. Sputnik was the world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach, America was where the satellite was being watch The Redstone rocket lifted. The Redstone booster has achieved a significant record of reliable flight in a launching history which extends over the past years, the Redstone lifted off from America Soviet Yuri Gagarin becomes the first space traveler to space from Russia.` TIMELINE CONTINUES
Picture of Soviet Yuri Gagarin PICTURE
1967-Photograph of the moon taken by Lunar Orbitor. All five missions were successful, and 99% of the Moon was photographed with a resolution of 60 m or better for the USA Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon. The Eagle has landed." The words of Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 commander and the first human to set foot on the moon, told tense and waiting American scientist had finally reached the lunar Mariner 9 took pictures of Mars. Both were designed to be the first Mars orbiters, marking a transition in our exploration of the red planet from flying by the planet to spending time in orbit around it surface America was responsible. TIMELINE CONTINUES
1971-First space station, Salyut 1( ends orbit 1973)At launch, the announced purpose of Salyut was to test the elements of the systems of a space station and to conduct scientific research and experiments America is who got the information Apollo 16 takes pictures of Earth Launched 16 April 1972 Landed on Moon 20 April 1972 Descartes Returned to Earth 27 April 1972 in America. TIMELINE CONTINUES.
1973- America launches the Space Station. America of course was responsible for the Space Station the Space Station was located somewhere in America First US space station (Skylab). Skylab was a U.S. space station adapted from the third stage of a Saturn V 1976-Images from satellites show martian soil-from first US space probe to land on another planet, Viking 1. Soil examined by NASA's Viking Mars landers in 1976 may have contained carbon-based chemical building blocks of life, told Phoenix. TIMELINE CONTINUES
1996- Mars Pathfinder landed on Mars and released the “Rover "Mars Pathfinder used an innovative method of directly entering the Martian atmosphere, assisted by a parachute to slow its descent through the thin Martian atmosphere and a giant system of airbags to cushion the impact 1998-First Modules of the International Space Station launched (2 countries) TIMELINE CONTINUES
1979- Skylab shows the image of the sun’s corona Skylab's coronagraph observations coupled with x-ray pictures of the inner corona helped establish the origin of the corona's varied forms and the important connection between coronal holes and high-speed streams in the solar wind The first reusable shuttle, Columbia was launched from the USA On April 12, 1981, a bright white Columbia roared into a deep blue sky as the nation's first reusable Space Shuttle. TIMELINE CONTINUES
1983-Challanger takes a photo of Earth that shows Australia and sent them world wide. TIMELINE CONTINUES
1986-Mir Space Station launched. The space station Mir became a legend in its own time reflecting Russia’s past space glories and her future as a leader in space Galileo sends back photos and data about Jupiter’s composition. On Sept. 21, NASAs Galileo mission will come to an end when the hardy spacecraft plunges into the crushing pressure of Jupiter's atmosphere TIMELINE CONTINUES
Galileo orbiting Jupiter PICTURES OF GALILEO
Assembling the International Space Station PICTURE