Moronidae and Serranidae 1 Family Moronidae Temperate Basses Local species: oStriped Bass (Morone saxatilis) oWreckfish (Polyprion americanus) Morone saxatilis
Moronidae and Serranidae 2 Moronidae Characteristics Easily distinguished by two spines on the operculum oBody compressed laterally, large mouth and ctenoid scales oTail is usually deeply forked, never hermaphrodites Commonly broken into 2 different families: Moronidae and Acropomatidae
Moronidae and Serranidae 3 Striped Bass Anadromous species oA large percentage of the eastern U.S. population depends on the Chesapeake water shed for spawning
Moronidae and Serranidae 4 Striped Bass released in the Cape Fear
Moronidae and Serranidae 5 Wreckfish Commercially important oFound on both sides of the Atlantic
Moronidae and Serranidae 6 Family Serranidae Sea Basses Common species: oScamp (Mycteroperca phenax) oGag (Mycteroperca microlepis) oBlack Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) oWarsaw Grouper (Epinephelus nigritus)
Moronidae and Serranidae 7 Serranidae Characteristics Large piscivores that associate with temperate and tropical reefs Important food fish oTop predators may be ciguatoxic Distinguished by: oLarge mouth and a heavy head o3 spines on the operculum o3 spines in the anal fin oUsually hermaphroditic
Moronidae and Serranidae 8 Ciguatera Condition caused by the ingestion of toxic fish flesh oSymptoms Causative organism is a dinoflagellate called Gambierdiscus toxicus which can bloom in high numbers
Moronidae and Serranidae 9 So are you a guy or a girl? Sequential hermaphrodite oSex change occurs: oFemales - Males Protogyny or protogynous oMales - Females Protandrous or protandry Simultaneous hermaphrodite oContains both ovaries and testes
Moronidae and Serranidae 10 Serranidae Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata)
Moronidae and Serranidae 11 Serranidae Gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) Adult Juvenile
Moronidae and Serranidae 12 Serranidae Scamp (Mycteroperca phenax) Adult Juvenile
Moronidae and Serranidae 13 Serranidae Sand Perch (Diplectrum formosum)