l Raise awareness on the value of GI for society l European Policy on GI compatible with national policies l Efficient contacts with all DG of the Commision l Key players in the GI community l Public sector providers l Maintanance of core GI and services Examples of usage and benefits of GI as a communication tool GI-Value for Society overall objective
n Examples of GI usage and benefits n Several areas of usage n Documented value n Quantity n Quality n Lobbying documentation for high level contact n Exchange of experiences n Hand outs of examples n Computerised slide show n Web site linked to actual references n Web site linked to more examples GI-Value for Society Objectives
GI-Value for Society Case study template Title of the case study 1. Description of application 2. Benefits of the use of digital GI Strategic impact Economic impact Other impacts 3. Users 4. Data needed 5. Relevant background information 6. References 7. Illustrations
GI-Value for Society
Value for society Beach Protection Zone Registration Cost savings on definition of the beach protection zone More efficient way to deal with complaints Improved service to parcel owners Data updated each day Easy distribution to local authorities Flood exposure and control More efficient land planning in flood threatened areas More efficient assessment of costs of flood damages Better informed decisions for Governmental officers Better evaluation of flood risks and better scaling of insurance price list for buildings
Value for society Flood exposure and control
Flood monitoring SPOT 27. June Flisa, Norway ©Statens kartverk 1997 SPOT ® ©CNES 1995 ©SSCSatellitbild 1995 In 1995 large areas along the river systems in south-east Norway suffered from flooding. SPOT-data were used for recording the flood damages. The severe damages are shown in red at the classified map.
Clay slide exposed areas
Value for society Value for society Better municipal planning and awareness School planning Fire emergency
Better city planning and road construction 3D-terrain model
Value for society Traffic noise - Impact assessment n Impact assessment n Indicate necessary adjustments n Reduced analysing time
Value for Society More effective distribution of goods
Value for society Electronic road net - efficient road transportation n Increased utilisation of vehicles,reduced transport distance n Cost savings (unto 30 per cent) n Better service to customers and quality of service n Increased turnover n Better overview of the vehicles n Increased competitiveness n Rescue vehicles faster to the spot n Short time of pay back on investments. Assessment of Tranportdemonstrator SECURITAS
More effective rescue operations n Position of all rescue units are known n Position of addresses are displayed n Rescue unit arrives faster n Lives are saved Value for Society
Mo Industritransport Store management by GPS and digital maps n Reduced cost n Reduced mistakes n Better capasity
GI-Value for Society