Mathematics Subject Leader Network Meeting June 2012
Programme Session 1 Update on recent developments in mathematics including Mathematics: Made to Measure, draft KS1 and 2 programmes of study Session 2 Learning outside the classroom
Objectives To have a clear understanding of the latest national and regional developments. To consider the recommendations outlined in the recent Ofsted report ‘Mathematics: Made to Measure’ To consider learning outside the classroom as a means to develop teaching and learning that will stimulate and engage pupils.
SESSION 1: Update on recent developments in mathematics
Assessment KS2 SATs L6 test GCSE AS/A2
Y6 SAT questions Paper A 2012
Level 6 Paper 1 Calculator not allowed
Level 6 Paper 2 Calculator allowed
2012 Level 6 test Try these questions with your current Level 6 pupils, what is their response? What is your plan for your L6 learners when they come to you in Y7? Unpicking Level 6 MATB Oct 2012 am 13 Dec 2012 pm
GCSE Edexcel - Higher QWC 4 marks
GCSE AQA Foundation Paper 2 Q22* 5 marks
Mathematics: made to measure Recommendations: Ofsted will: produce support materials to help schools identify and remedy weaknesses in mathematics. raise ambition for the mathematics education of all pupils by placing greater emphasis in school inspection on: how effectively schools tackle inconsistency in the quality of mathematics teaching how well teaching fosters understanding pupils’ skills in solving problems challenging extensive use of early and repeated entry to GCSE examinations.
Mathematics: made to measure Recommendations The DfE should: ensure end-of-key-stage assessments, and GCSE and AS/A-level examinations require pupils to solve familiar and unfamiliar problems and demonstrate fluency and accuracy in recalling and using essential knowledge and mathematical methods raise ambition for more-able pupils, in particular expecting those pupils who attained Level 5 at Key Stage 2 to gain A* or A grades at GCSE research the uptake, retention and success rates in AS and A-level mathematics and further mathematics by pupils attending schools with and without sixth-form provision.
Mathematics: made to measure Recommendations Schools should: tackle in-school inconsistency of teaching, making more good or outstanding, so that every pupil receives a good mathematics education increase the emphasis on problem solving across the mathematics curriculum develop the expertise of staff: –in choosing teaching approaches and activities that foster pupils’ deeper understanding, including through the use of practical resources, visual images and information and communication technology –in checking and probing pupils’ understanding during the lesson, and adapting teaching accordingly –in understanding the progression in strands of mathematics over time, so that they know the key knowledge and skills that underpin each stage of learning –ensuring policies and guidance are backed up by professional development for staff to aid consistency and effective implementation sharpen the mathematical focus of monitoring and data analysis by senior and subject leaders and use the information gathered to improve teaching and the curriculum.
Mathematics: made to measure Recommendations In addition, secondary schools should: ensure examination and curricular policies meet all pupils’ best interests, stopping reliance on the use of resit examinations, and securing good depth and breadth of study at the higher tier GCSE.
Draft Primary National Curriculum Published in draft June 2012 Consultation through NCETM and ACME portals PoS is split into KS1, Lower/Upper KS2 Yearly programme with no levels mentioned
Draft Primary National Curriculum Headlines: Add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions (consistent with expectations in the high-performing education jurisdictions of Singapore and Hong Kong) By age nine, pupils should know their times tables up to 12x12. ( in line with expectations in the high-performing jurisdiction of Massachusetts). By age seven, pupils should know “number bonds” up to 20. These are simple addition and subtraction facts that pupils should be able to recognise and use instantly (eg 9+9=18 or 16-7=9).
Other notable changes Roman numerals (Y5) Binary (Y6) More formalised algebra in Y6 (e.g. using algebra to solve perimeter/angle problems) Slimming down of Data Handling
A Level Consultation Ofqual would like views on the full range of proposed changes to the qualification, (the structure and assessment arrangements) including: Ensuring involvement of higher education in the design and sign-off of A levels Abolition of January exams and limiting resits Whether or not AS levels should continue, with a range of options put forward. To take part, visit The consultation is open until 11 September.
Good Education for All Key Changes require ‘outstanding’ schools to have ‘outstanding’ teaching define an acceptable standard of education as being ‘good’ replace the current ‘satisfactory’ judgement with ‘requires improvement’ where schools are not inadequate but are not yet providing a good standard of education replace the ‘notice to improve’ category with ‘serious weaknesses’ introduce earlier full re-inspection of schools judged as ‘requires improvement’ usually limit the number of times schools can be deemed to ‘require improvement’ to two consecutive inspections before they are judged ‘inadequate’ and deemed to require ‘special measures’ shorten the notice we give of an inspection request that schools provide anonymised information of the outcomes of the most recent performance management of all teachers
Parent View
New Teachers’ Standards Replace the existing core standards Come into effect Sept 2012 Apply to all teachers
Mathematics CPD
E-Newsletter – Mathematics uk/enewsletter/subscribe.aspx
How might today have impact in our settings? Improved liaison with feeder primary schools, with a particular focus on Level 6 pupils Issues and recommendations from ‘Mathematics: made to measure’ addressed and actions implemented for further development New Teacher Standards implemented from September 2012
CPD Central Events Half DayWhole DayHalf day Networks Full Day Conference £75£159£75 *£159 **£199 3 x half day networks in same area = £180 (save £45) ** 3 x full day networks in same area = £400
Customer Negotiated Support Half Day (up to 3 hrs) Whole Day (up to 6 hrs) £195 *£395 * * Based on 1 tutor to 30 delegates (dependant on the audience)
Mathematics Network Meeting for Subject Leaders Autumn and Spring Terms: 26 November 2012 MATB March 2013 MATB
The ET Secondary Mathematics team contact details are: