A Sketch of the Battlefield Emily Berry and Morghen Philippi
Definition of Sex ● What is the definition of sex?
Definition of Sex Merriam-Webster: the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females
Bateman’s Principle Natural selection favors males who eagerly and indiscriminately pursue mates and choosy females ● Polygyny: mating system in which males mate with multiple females ● What support is there for Bateman’s Principle? Why does it “make sense”? What would you say to someone who teaches you the Bateman’s Principle?
Polyandry Mating system in which females mate with multiple males ● Why would polyandry evolve?
Types of Polyandry ● Convenience polyandry: Instead of expending energy to resist fighting unwanted matings, the females just lay down and take it. ● Fraternal polyandry: Male brothers mate with one female. ● Genetic-benefit polyandry: In female arthropods that can store sperm, the female will mate with multiple males in order to have a diverse sperm pool, and thus more genetic diversity, to fertilise her eggs with. ● Mate-defence polyandry: As in the phalarope, where the female guards her multiple male mates. ● Maternal-benefit polyandry: In which females mate with multiple males due to benefits given by sexually- active males, usually nutrition or protection. ● Serial (sequential) polyandry: In which females form monogamous pairs with multiple males in succession. ● Simultaneous polyandry: Similar to serial polyandry, but forms the pairs at the same time. ● Sperm-replenishment polyandry: In which females mate with multiple males to refill their sperm banks (see genetic-benefit polyandry).
Sick of Sex in India ● Mate for 10 weeks
Spooked in Gabon ● Spiky penis ●
Perplexed in Cloverhill ● Males die after sex
Time for a Game! Complete the matches on your worksheet!
Matching Game! A.B. C. D. E.G. F. H.
So What? ● Why does sexual conflict exist? Shouldn’t males and females want to cooperate? ● How does sexual conflict relate to the Red Queen Hypothesis? ● What factors might promote the evolution of the following mating systems: o polyandry o polygygy o monogamy
Exploration Develop a research question regarding sexual conflict and polyandry. ● You have unlimited funds and resources
Sources For Worksheet ● / twisted-world-of-sexual- organs/index.html ● Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation