Uniform Wear LE-I Chap. 1-2
Wando JROTC Wear uniform on every Tuesday unless told otherwise by instructor –Wear uniform on first day back to school if absent on Tuesday –Stop by JROTC for uniform inspection if leaving school on Tuesday before your JROTC class (sick, appointment, etc.)
Uniform Wear The military uniform has a long and honorable tradition of devotion to duty The JROTC uniform should be worn proudly and properly at all times to continue that tradition The rules/guidelines for grooming standards and wearing the JROTC uniform is based on AFI and AFI
Garrison Caps Male Hair must not extend past the bottom of the front of the cap. Should be worn so the cap rests 1” above the eyebrow. Female Edge of flight cap is worn aligned with the nose and should rest approximately 1” above the eyebrow. Hair may extend past the front of the cap, but should not touch the eyebrows.
Hair Regulations Male Hair must not touch the ears, collar or eyebrows. It may not be more than 1 ¼ inches in bulk (thickness). Hair must be tapered on sides and the back (curving to the ends). Must not interfere with wearing of any Air Force headgear, may not protrude below the front of headgear. You may not have designs cut in your hair. No unusual dyes or colors that contrast with natural color. Females Length: no longer than bottom of the shirt collar. Conservative styles; no faddish or extreme styles. Must not interfere with the proper wearing of headgear, cannot be too full or too high on the head. Pins, cobs, barrettes, elastic bands, etc. must be plain, similar in color to your hair, and not too large. Hair color and highlights must look natural, not faddish. Long hair in front must be secured at the ends. Micro-braids and cornrows are allowed.
Eyewear, Tattoos, & Facial Hair Eyewear Eyeglasses may not have any ornamentation and must be conservative in color. Sunglasses are not permitted in military formations, but may be worn out of formations when the lenses and frames are conservative in color. Neither eyeglasses or sunglasses can be worn around the next when in uniform. Tattoos & Brands Tattoos and brands should not cover any more that one-quarter of an exposed body and should not extend past the collar bone. Tattoos should not depict anything that is considered obscene or that advocates for sexual, religious, or racial discrimination or violence. Facial Hair You must be clean-shaven Mustaches cannot extend past the corners of the mouth. Sideburns cannot extend past the outer opening of the ear; cannot flair.
Jewelry Males o No earrings (ever) on uniform days. No earrings in the ROTC Hallway/Classrooms on non uniform days. Females o One pair of small, spherical earrings no larger than 6mm in diameter. Earrings must be conservative (diamond, gold, white, pearl, or silver), worn in the lowest part of the earlobe, and can be clip-ons or pierced. Males and Females o Necklaces: Cannot be visible. o Rings: Maximum of 3 rings. No thumb rings. o Watch: May wear 1 watch that is conservative in color. Band of watch may be no more than 1” in width. o Bracelet: May wear 1 bracelet up to 1/2” wide, with no charms or parts that dangle. Colored rubber or plastic wristbands may not be worn. o Body piercings: Not allowed in when in uniform. (Only exception is earrings on females)
Uniform Shirt Males Nametag- grounded on and centered over wearer’s right pocket. Should be at resting level with the seam of the pocket, not over it. Ribbons- grounded on and centered over the wearer’s left pocket. Should be at resting level with the seam of the pocket, not over it. Females Nametag-centered horizontally, maximum of 1 ½ inches above or below the first exposed button, bottom of name tag must be Ribbons-even with the bottom of nametag and parallel to the ground Rank- Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Bottom of enlisted ranks point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar.
Uniform Shirt Diagram Male Female
Trousers/Skirts Trousers Males- Belt threaded through loops to the left. Tab on the rear pocket must be buttoned. Females- Belts threaded through loops to the right No excessively large items in the pockets at any time, no items hooked onto the pants (keys, carabiners, etc.) Skirt Belts threaded through loops to the right No longer that the bottom of the kneecap No shorter than the top of the kneecap Hosiery must be worn. It can be tan, brown, black, or dark blue and must compliment the uniform and the airman’s skintone. Gig Line- Female Male
Footwear Males Wear the low quarter shoes issued. Laced to the top, should be clean and shined on a regular basis. Corfam shoes are off limits to freshman cadets. Females May wear the low quarter shoes issues, flats, or pumps. Low quarters will be laced to the top, clean and polished on a regular basis. Pumps/Flats must be solid black in color, with no extra decorations, designs, or ornamentation. Slippers or ballet shoes of any kind may not be worn, flats must have a solid shoe sole. Heel height must not exceed 2 ½” Diameter of heel must not be less than ½” or larger than the body of the shoe.
Uniform Do’s Wear V-neck t-shirt…both male & female Wear black socks…or approved hose Wear hat outside…remove while indoors Keep uniform clean and pressed Keep shoes clean and shined Maintain grooming standards May wear a wristwatch and rings…no more than 3 rings at any one time Bracelet okay if conservative, does not detract from military image, no wider than ½” inch. Zip up Windbreaker Jacket at least half way.
Uniform Don’ts Chewing gum Hands in pockets Mix/matching with civilian clothes Items sticking out of pockets (pens, sunglasses, candy) Large bulky items in pockets Hair touching eyebrows Headphones in uniform Unzipped Windbreakers Writing on body Hair Dye Profanity
Grade insignia - a device that identifies the rank of each member of armed forces/cadets The higher your rank the more responsibility is you have –For Example: Wing/Vice Wing Commander= C/ Colonel Group Commanders= C/ Lieutenant Colonel Squadron Commander= Major Insignia Of Grade
2 categories –Officers Address a 2nd LT and a 1st LT as lieutenant; Address both LT COL and COL as colonel; Address all generals as general –Noncommissioned officers Enlisted grades (2 categories) –Noncommissioned officer –Airman –NCO’S are airman in grades of SSGT - Chief Master Sergeant –Pay grade always one more than number of stripes…E-9 = 8 stripes Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force –Highest position held by any enlisted personnel Address a CMSGT as chief; Address all other sergeants as sergeant Grade Insignia System
AFJROTC Grade Insignia Officer Enlisted
Ribbons and Badges Given to cadets for specific achievements. Earned with time, effort, and participation in the AFJROTC program.