New age classrooms: what do these look like and who has the power? or what role do teachers play?
Today’s Classroom “Educators should move from teacher centred learning to student centered learning, from isolated work to collaborative work and from factual, knowledge based instruction to critical thinking and informed decision making the high tech classroom should be more interaactive and encourage active, exploratory, inquiry based learning” (David Gordon ).
Traditional Teaching Method Philosophical Foundation: Objectivism View of Knowledge: Knowledge exists outside the human mind; learning is transmission of knowledge from teacher to students. Learning Theories: Behavioral theories, information-processing theories.
Traditional Teaching Method Use of ICT: Direct instruction. Examples: Instructional video: Intelligent Tutorial System:
Meaningful Learning “Primary goal of education at all levels should be to engage students in meaningful learning, which occurs when students are actively making meaning.” (Jonassen, D., Peck, K., & Wilson, B, 1999) Characteristics of Meaningful learning: - Active -Intentional - Constructive - Authentic -Cooperative
Non-Traditional Methods Philosophical Foundation: Mostly constructivism. View of Knowledge: Knowledge is constructed not transmitted. Learning Theories: Social constructivism (Dewey), Scaffolding (Vygotsky), ……
Active Learning What is Active Learning? Samples of using ICT:
PBL What is Problem-Based Learning? Samples of using ICT:
COP What is Community of Practice? Samples of using ICT:
Discovery Learning What is Discovery Learning? Samples of using ICT:
Cooperative & Collaborative Learning What is Cooperative Learning and Collaborative Learning? Samples of using ICT:
Traditional Method VS Constructivism ProsCons Traditional Method Non-Traditional Methods (Constructivism)
traditional classroom vs new age classroom blackboard & chalk interactive whiteboards textbooks & journals internet etc individual tables and chairs group tables tests etc creation of products ? teacher transmit knowledge teachers and students learning together individualism collaboration pen and paper laptops 3rs - reading riting and rithmeticwide variety of interest based topics
The Power of You What would you choose for your own teaching? How would you use ICT to benefit your teaching and assist students learning?
Web 2.0 Resources
How have recent theories of learning influenced new age classrooms eg multiple intelligences - using different technologies to support different learning styles,"school has long priveleged one or two forms of human intelligence - those involveing language and logic while ignoring the other powerful ways in which we can come to know the world" (Gardener 2000)- constructivism- communities of learners/practices- problem based learning
we will need to also discuss how it is not the technology as such that changes the way we learn but how it is being used by teachers in the new age classroom eg students need to be taught to filter and critically engage with what they read etc from mutimedia, to learn how to engage in the constructive collaborationthere are many more examples, maybe we should do a slide on what teachers need to do to make the technology they are using the most effective for student learning?