Chapter Leader Webinar April 2015 Recording Link Recording Link
Mary Beth Lech, Lifetime CFCM, Fellow NCMA Chapter Relations Manager Teresa Kirkhart NCMA Chapter Relations Specialist
2 Monthly Chapter Leader WebEx Recordings Now Available NCMA monthly chapter leader WebEx discussions are now being recorded for you to listen to as a refresher at a later date. Go to the NCMA Chapter Resources page and in the left column, click on Chapter Training Materials. Copies of the briefing charts are also available for you there.NCMA Chapter Resources page
Resource Development April 2015
Introduction NCMA Rio Grande Chapter Last year partnered with NCMA High Plains Chapter for the “Hula Hustle 2014”. An event to benefit both chapters and the Wounded Warrior Project. 4
Purpose Look at how chapters can effectively utilize resources to expand upon traditional methods of generating revenue. Learn about developing relationships within the community and incorporating social media to create innovative ways to “FUNdraise” for your chapter. 5
Overview Providing Value Generating Revenue Community Involvement Model Getting Started 6
Providing Value Chapters are expected to provide value to their members, typically this value is derived through: –Education & Training Build Skills –Networking Opportunities –Certification Preparation & Testing –Advocacy of the Profession –Leadership Opportunities –Association Sense of Identity 7
Delivering Value & Generating Revenue Chapters deliver value to members through: –Educational Seminars –Workshops –Webinars –National Education Seminars –Social Mixers These are all opportunities for chapters to generate revenue. 8 Delivering Value + Generating Revenue = WIN!
Increasing Your Revenue How can you expand these events to INCREASE revenue generation? LOOK TO YOUR COMMUNITY! 9
Community Involvement Model 10 Partner With Other Organizations Partner With Other Chapters Company Sponsorship / Donation YOUR COMMUNITY
Partnering With Other Chapters Partner with another chapter to host a joint event. One of the EASIEST ways to expand your attendee base. Double your audience! Split the costs! Share the profits! 11
Partnering With Other Organizations Invite members from other professional associations and organizations in your community to your events. Host events in conjunction with other professional associations and organizations in your community. Partner with other well-known non-profit organizations –“A portion of the proceeds will benefit _______________.” 12
Company Sponsorship/Donation Simply ASK for companies to sponsor (and/or make a donation to) your event! Ideas include: –Free or discounted meeting space –% or $ contributions –Refreshments Emphasize the value that a sponsorship and/or donation will provide the company. 13
How about combining all three? 14 Partner With Other Organizations Partner With Other Chapters Company Sponsorship / Donation High Plains Chapter Wounded Warriors Davis Law Firm “Hula Hustle 2015”
Organizational Networking 15 Your Chapter Other Organizations Company Sponsors Other Chapters
How to Get Started Partnering with other chapters is easy because you already understand each other’s mission. Partnering with other organizations and obtaining company sponsorships is a little tougher… –Value statement –The exchange –Connect online 16
Value Statement Create a value statement or “elevator pitch” for your chapter. What is the mission and vision of your chapter? What does your chapter do and why is it important? Should be easy for people outside of the contract management profession to understand. 17
The Exchange Identify organizations and companies within your community. Think about the value that the partnership can provide each of the parties involved. 18
The Exchange Create an informational sheet or sponsorship form that clearly defines these benefits. 19
Connect Online Your community wants to know more about your chapter! Things to consider: –Do you have a professional looking website? –Do you have an up-to-date events calendar? –Are you “active” on social media? Social media is also a GREAT avenue to connect with members and advertise events! 20
Just Remember When reaching out to your community, you should be able to: –Clearly describe the mission of your chapter and why what you do is important. –Explain the benefits that a partnership can provide and how it can be a reciprocal relationship. –Direct organizations and companies to connect with you online and enable them to find out more about your chapter through social media. 21
22 Great Events Community Involvement Increased “R & R”
Summary Providing Value Generating Revenue Community Involvement Model Getting Started 23
For more information on community involvement & revenue generation, join us at the Summer Chapter Leader Summit! 24 Sunday, July 26, :35 – 10:35 AM
Luisa A. Martinez-Medina
May 20 th Chapter Leader Webinar 26 Next webinar: 11:30 AM (Eastern) “Conquering the Grant Process” Morgan F Ross CPCM, CFCM, Fellow Grant Program Chair
27 Get your chapter members involved with this win-win program! MUST sign up New members MUST sign up with the correct form in order for it to count towards chapter funds. This program is guaranteed to boost enrollment and grow your chapters’ funds. NMI 3rd Quarter Check Mailing NCMA Chapter 4/11/ Twenty five dollars /100 NCMA Chapters
Chapter Elections Deadline April 30th 28 Electing leadership is one of the most important benefits responsibilities of our NCMA membership! V ision O utreach T ransform E ncourage Rock YOUR New Officer Roster Due to NCMA - May 15th
29 Start the training now with the new officers! Involve them in your remaining officer meetings Let’s set them up for success!
On Tuesday, May 19, NCMA turns 56 and we thought it would be the perfect time to celebrate our members! Join us by entering to win an NCMA gift bag and watch as we highlight devoted members on social media throughout the entire month of May.entering to win an NCMA gift bag 30
NCMA Communities 31
Advancing Professionals Community The APC was established to: –Promote the development of individuals in the contract management career field. –Bring together a diverse group of professionals that can learn from each other and build long-term relationships with one another. The APC was founded to build a community of emerging leaders looking to engage, network and map the future of the contracting profession. 32
Advancing Professionals Community Connect with individuals with similar interests Ask questions and share knowledge Build a professional network Gain access to valuable resources Stay connected 33
Get Involved! Participate in an APC event! Join the online discussion! Submit an article! Join the leadership council! Become a mentor! Chapter events and programs! 34
Let’s Meet Up! Learn more about the NCMA Communities at the Summer Chapter Leader Summit –Saturday, July 25, 2015 –“Leadership Networking: Finding Your Community” Join us at World Congress for NCMA Communities Night –Sunday, July 26,
Luisa A. Martinez-Medina
Mary Beth Lech, Lifetime CFCM, Fellow NCMA Chapter Relations Manager x1119 Teresa Kirkhart NCMA Chapter Relations Specialist x1100 You can reach us: