Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System Roberto García, Juan Manuel Gimeno, Ferran Perdrix*, Rosa Gil, Marta Oliva HCI and Data Integration Research Group Universitat de Lleida, Spain *Segre Media, Spain
Contents Introduction The Rhizomer Platform Use Case: S5T Project Conclusions & Future Work Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
Contents Introduction The Rhizomer Platform Use Case: S5T Project Conclusions & Future Work Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
Introduction Difficult to manage Information Architecture with current CMSs/Wikis Use Semantic Web technologies Semantic CMSs/Wikis dont fully exploit them: –Most semantic wikis focus on page annotation, limited reasoning, no import... –Drupal RDF Module a Drupal extension, though Drupal 7 based on SWT [1] [1] Buytaert, D.: DrupalCon Boston 2008: State of Drupal presentation.
Contents Introduction The Rhizomer Platform Use Case: S5T Project Conclusions & Future Work Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
Rhizomer Platform for Semantic Content Management and Human-Semantic Web Interaction –Based on Web 2.0 technologies Client (AJAX) / Server (REST) –Web 3.0 data model Semantic metadata store: RDF(OWL) / SPARQL –Generic metadata browsing HTML + Javascript –Object-Action Interaction Paradigm Semantic Web Services Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
Rhizomer Server part: –REST interface over the repository Jena, Sesame,… GET: SPARQL end-point PUT/POST/DELETE: RDF metadata management –Semantic Web Services OWL-S descriptions –Service Profile: Process, hasInput, hasOutput REST adapters for –Javascript APIs (e.g. Google Maps), SOAP,… Metadata Store Rhizomer GET PUT POST DEL search new edit delete
Rhizomer Client part: –AJAX (asynchronously send queries and metadata) –RDF/XML XSLT HTML (browsing) –Semantic forms (edition) RDF/XML XSLT FORM Javascript RDF Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System RDF SemFORMS JavaScript
Contents Introduction The Rhizomer Platform Use Case: S5T Project Conclusions & Future Work Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
S5T Project S5T Spanish research project (TIN ) –Scaleable Semantic personalised Search of Spoken and written contents on the Semantic Web Application in the Segre media group –Newspaper, TV, radio and web site –Internal use (media house): facilitate content production, history tracking, contextualisation,… –External use (web users): advanced services (e.g. news personalisation, semantic podcasts,…) Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
S5T Project Semantic annotation of audiovisual content –voice text (keywords) semantic annotations Rhizomer: user interface for browsing/interacting with content and associated knowledge Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
S5T Project: query Queries: –Metadata –Content (transcript) Words Concepts GET s5t:Audio specific properties P rdfs:domain s5t:Audio or s5t:Audio owl:Restriction on P (or superclass) ?query= DESCRIBE ?s WHERE { ?s dc:title ?y0; s5t:genre ?y1. FILTER regex(?y0, "…") && ?y1= } …
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: store GET SPARQL endpoint Metadata store –Jena, Sesame,… DESCRIBE queries by default. Facilitate: –Browse heterogeneous metadata –Without a priori knowledge DESCRIBE implementation –Concise Bounded Description + rdfs:labels for all selected resources Result: RDF/XML
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: store DESCRIBE CBD(…~rosa) = Fragment A U rdfs:labels Fragment A
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: browse RDF2HTML GET RDF2HTML Butlletí Migdia audio/ bm.mp3 a Audio titleButlletí Migdia date genrepolitics transcripthttp:// Referrers a Subject labelpolitics description Local, regional, national and international exercise of power, or struggle for power, and the relationships between governing bodies and states. Referrers
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: edition edit – del – new audio/ bm.mp3 a Audio titleButlletí Migdia date genrepolitics transcripthttp:// Referrers
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: edition Semantic form: … –PUT: description for new resource –POST: replace resource description <Subject,… Predicate,Object>
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: uploading Semantically annotate uploaded content (facilitate metadata creation) Content-type specific metadata extraction plugins –Audio: text-to-speech –Text: keyword detection, disambiguation OpenCalais, Freeling,…: named entities –Photo: EXIFtoRDF,… –…
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: interaction Given a resource (object)… determine available services (actions) Resource description: type, properties, values,… audio/ bm.mp3 a Audio titleButlletí Migdia date genrepolitics transcripthttp:// Referrers
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: interaction Services descriptions: –ID: Service Adapter URL –hasInput: an OWL Class Service applicable to any resource classified in this class –hasOutput: output content type text/html, application/rdf+xml,… a Process labelPlay hasInputhttp://rhizomik.net/.../s5t.owl#Audio hasOutputtext/html Referrers
Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System S5T Project: interaction For each resource: –Processes s.t. resource rdf:type hasInput Class Call: REST PUT/POST RDF resource Adapter: service invocation (Javascript, SOAP,…) audio/ bm.mp3 a Audio titleButlletí Migdia date genrepolitics transcripthttp:// PlayReferrers
S5T Project: interaction Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System Butlletí Migdia (23/03/2007) La mobilització en contra dels transgènics i en favor de Josep Pàmies també ha servit per introduir altres reclamacions. En aquest cas, alguns dels col·lectius de la lluita contra aquests cultius demanen que la Universitat de Lleida rebi una especialització en Agricultura Ecològica. Asseguren que serien uns estudis pioners que servirien al centre per recuperar prestigi. Search Keyword Browse Term audio/ bm.mp3 a Audio titleButlletí Migdia date genrepolitics transcripthttp:// PlayReferrers Search Keyword: describe resources whose transcript contains keyword… Browse Term: describe the concept annotating the keyword a University labelUniversitat de Lleida lat41.37 long0.37 MapReferrers
S5T Project: interaction Map any resource with lat/long: map 1 1 text/html Service Adapter includes GoogleMap Javascript The same for events (Timeline, Calendar,…), etc. Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
Contents Introduction The Rhizomer Platform Use Case: S5T Project Conclusions & Future Work Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
Conclusions Content Management System based on semantic metadata Framework for Human-Semantic Web Interaction Flexible –Projects: S5T, Rhizomik,… Extensible –Plugins for visualisation, interaction and metadata extraction Usable –Preliminary usability tests
Future Work Integrate S5T project interface Assisted metadata edition –Properties and values recommended based on available ontologies Create basic services set –Map –Time line –Calendar –Plot… Complete usability test Rhizomer Semantic Content Management System
Thank you for your attention More: Roberto García