Finance With Geoff Jorgensen
General overview Commissions Order Payment Accounts Receivable Questions to ask Geoff
Random Chuck Norris Fact #1 When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up - he's pushing the Earth down.
Commissions When do we get paid? What do we get paid for? How much to keep for Uncle Sam? Commission Levels: $0 - $7499 = 10% $ $14,999 = 12.5% $15,000 - $GOAL = 15% > GOAL = 2.5% Bonus
Order Payment Acceptable Forms of Payment Credit Card, Debit Card, Check, Cash, Money Order, School PO Must be one singular payment Not Acceptable Forms of Payment
Payment Options Credit Card Send Invoice
Random Chuck Norris Fact #2 Chuck Norris can tie his shoes with his feet.
Card on File We require all customers to place a credit card on file before an order can be processed The card on file will not be charged until the invoice reaches 30 days past due Do not check out on orders for your customers and place your personal card on file Have the customer checkout on his/her own order and place a valid credit card on file
School POs Card on file Follow up with financial office
Random Chuck Norris Fact #3 Chuck Norris ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one.
Accounts Receivable All order payments are due on the delivery date <30 Days Overdue >30 Days Overdue >60+ Days Overdue
Art Fee A/R Policy <30 days overdue >30 days overdue A CM can eat these costs by taking $12.50 from commiss ions
Chuck Norris T-Shirt Idea
Questions for Geoff Something went wrong with my deposit. Any questions regarding customer payment Any questions about a late payment Any tax questions
The Man in Action! er_detailpage&v=f67LgpJBPPEhttp:// er_detailpage&v=f67LgpJBPPE What questions do you have?
HoursMinutesSeconds What are your take-aways?
HoursMinutesSeconds What are your take-aways?