Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Fall Terms: -10.6% -- 3,161 students Largest drop was calendar year 2006 -4.3%, -- 1,203 students Fall Term
Institutional Research & Effectiveness District
Largest drop was calendar year 2006 -1.9% students Fall Term Fall 2007 rebounded +3.5% students (as of September 10)
Institutional Research & Effectiveness *As of September 10, 2007 Lake Worth
Institutional Research & Effectiveness *As of September 10, 2007 Palm Beach Gardens
Institutional Research & Effectiveness *As of September 10, 2007 Belle Glade On-Campus
Institutional Research & Effectiveness *As of September 10, 2007 Belle Glade Off-Campus
Institutional Research & Effectiveness *As of September 10, 2007 Boca Raton
Institutional Research & Effectiveness District
Fall Terms: -34.2% -- 2,973 students
Institutional Research & Effectiveness
White non-Hispanic: Fall Terms: -19.6% -- 3,391 students Black: Fall Terms: -9.1% students Hispanic Fall Terms: +9.3% students
Institutional Research & Effectiveness PBCC Fall Terms Enrollment Palm Beach County Population White Non-Hispanic -19.6%+0.3% Black-9.1%+11.4% Hispanic+9.3%+17.7% Source:Student Download Florida Legislature Office of Economic and Demographic Research Florida Legislature Office of Economic and Demographic Research
Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Females: Fall Terms: -10.4% -- or 1,753 students Males: Fall Terms: -13.6% -- 1,741 students
Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Age Group Fall Terms: -24.8% -- 3,022 students Age Group Fall Terms: +5.0% students
Institutional Research & Effectiveness PBCC Enrollment PBC Population White-45.7%-0.9% Black-14.9%+9.4% Hispanic-10.9%+21.4% Other-21.4%+12.4% Males PBCC Enrollment PBC Population White-33.0%-1.6% Black-18.4%+11.1% Hispanic-2.5%+20.7% Other0.0%+14.1% Females Age Source:Student Download Florida Legislature Office of Economic and Demographic Research Florida Legislature Office of Economic and Demographic Research
Institutional Research & Effectiveness PBCC Enrollment PBC Population White+1.1%+6.6% Black+9.8%+17.5% Hispanic+19.3%+1.5% Other+23.9%+20.5% Males PBCC Enrollment PBC Population White-1.6%+10.0% Black-4.5%+12.6% Hispanic+27.5%+11.2% Other-8.7%+15.6% Females Age Source:Student Download Florida Legislature Office of Economic and Demographic Research Florida Legislature Office of Economic and Demographic Research
Institutional Research & Effectiveness Credit/Prep FTE % % ** As of September 10 District
Institutional Research & Effectiveness * As of September 10 District
Institutional Research & Effectiveness District
Credit/Prep FTE % % Lake Worth
Institutional Research & Effectiveness Credit/Prep FTE % % Palm Beach Gardens Palm Beach Gardens
Institutional Research & Effectiveness Credit/Prep FTE % % Belle Glade On-Campus Belle Glade On-Campus
Institutional Research & Effectiveness Credit/Prep FTE % % Belle Glade Off-Campus Belle Glade Off-Campus
Institutional Research & Effectiveness Credit/Prep FTE % % Boca Raton Boca Raton
Institutional Research & Effectiveness 492 * District
Institutional Research & Effectiveness
Summer Term Trends will be available by October 31, All Term Trends reports are located on the IRE website: Research Reports and Surveys: Suggestions for future reports?