Tips Untuk Pemeliharaan Kaki Orang Yang Berpenyakit Gula. Cuci kaki setiap hari dengan sabun yang lembut. Keringkan kaki dgn baik, terutama diantara jari kaki. Jangan menggunakan benda yang tajam utk kaki. Menggunakan moisturizer seperti Ellgy Plus untuk mencegah tumit pecah-pecah. Jika mempunyai luka dikulit, bersih dan keringkan area luka tersebut. Berikan antiseptik bila diperlukan.
Peran pelembab pada kaki penderita Diabetus M “Jika ini dibiarkan dan tidak dirawat beresiko terjadi nya luka dan gangren
Ulcers in Foot & Ankle : A Classification of its Severity Wagner Classification of Diabetic Foot Lesions Grade 0 : skin intact Grade 1 : superficial ulceration exposing subcutaneous tissue Grade 2 : with deep ulcers exposing underlying tendons Grade 3 : deeper involvement with foot compartments infection or osteomyelitis Grade 4/5 : foot devascular and gangrenous.
Foot & Ankle Ulcers : At Which Stage Do We Pay Attention? Wagner Classification of Diabetic Foot Lesions Grade 0 : skin intact Grade 1 : superficial ulceration exposing subcutaneous tissue Rx: GOOD FOOT CARE must be available for these 2 stages. Pelembab ( Complementary Role )
Dry Necrosis of Toes & Foot Ulceration Necrosis Inflammation
Wet GANGRENE of Foot Erythema Surrounding Sloughing Necrotic Tissue Ulceration Partial Amputation Mention also the partial self amputation of the tip of the big toe. Raise the Question “Is amputation inevitable?” in this case.
Dry Gangrene of Big Toe Note the clear demarcation of live and dead tissue of the toe.
Thickened Rt Heel with Superficial Ulcer DIABETIC Ulceration Deep seated Ulceration with Debrided Margin Thickened Rt Heel with Superficial Ulcer ?Fissure in Thickened Skin