The Social Gospel A concept that emphasizes the “whole man” and caters to his “social needs.” Most are concerned with the “now world.” “Brethren, I’ve.


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Presentation transcript:

The Social Gospel A concept that emphasizes the “whole man” and caters to his “social needs.” Most are concerned with the “now world.” “Brethren, I’ve got a great new idea that will really bring people to this church!”

What is the Social Gospel? “A message that doesn’t deal with sin, doesn’t introduce Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King, doesn’t call upon people to obey God in all things, and doesn’t prepare people for death, judgment and eternity!” It seeks to make life better – instead of getting people ready for life after death Simply put – it doesn’t attack sin!

What is the Social Gospel? Churches engulfed in the social aspect of the gospel will do just about anything to get people to come! –C–Could you imagine Peter or Paul conducting seminars in the church on: »B»Biblical basics for financial management »Y»Your checkbook speaks »H»How to make a million »I»I owe, I owe, so off to work I go »S»Successful financial planning »M»Mom, dad, the kids and their money

The Inadequacy of the Social Gospel The true “bread of life” –J–John 6:45-53 »L»Left Him because they followed Him for the wrong reason Many mistaken as to the purpose of the church –J–Jesus fed five thousand and they left Him – He then said to His disciples: »J»John 6:67-68 Individual action and church action are different –1–1 Timothy 3:15; Ephesians 3:10

Church to Entertain Saints or Sinners? Entertainment – three F’s (fun, food, frolic) –Concerts of praise and altering their services for traditions of men –Jesus came not to entertain but to “seek and to save” »Luke 19:10 –Gospel is God’s power unto salvation »Romans 1:16 –Church’s mission is to preach the gospel to the lost »Mark 16:15

No Scripture to Authorize Church Entertainment Must respect the silence of the scriptures –1–1 Peter 4:11; 2 John 9 –T–Through this door has come instrumental music, praying through Mary, baptizing babies, kitchens, gymnasiums, etc. »R»Revelation 22:18 When one’s action in religion is governed on the assumption that he can do what is not expressly forbidden, then the door is wide open!

Entertainment Leads One Away Not Closer to the Lord! When one substitutes food for the stomach for food for the soul; music and laughter for meditation and prayer, they drift away! –Philippians 3:19-20 God’s kingdom is a spiritual kingdom – not a carnal kingdom –Romans 14:17; John 18:36

Bible “Fellowship” Never Used in Reference to Entertainment Bible doesn’t teach just any kind of “fellowship” Bible fellowship based upon gospel teaching –N–Not a “social aspect” in the drinking of coffee and eating doughnuts »1»1 John 1:3, 6-7 We have fellowship with Christ “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” (Phil 2:1-2)

The Lord organized local churches of Christians to focus on the work of spreading the gospel, worshiping God, edifying the saints, and caring for needy brethren More organization is only needed when the mission is expanded beyond Bible limits! Holy Spirit warned through Paul that some brethren and even elders would pervert the truth Acts 20:28-30; 1 Timothy 4:1 Holy Spirit warned through Paul that some brethren and even elders would pervert the truth Acts 20:28-30; 1 Timothy 4:1