February 2010 L. Wilson Update Preparations and Formats
NEW Look for the ITRS The ITRS is now all electronic –ALL Tables will stay in Excel files : Focus ITWGS files CrossCut ITWGs files ORTC file –Links to the 2009 ITRS chapters files –Links to other chapter files –Text for chapters will link to the tables files –Figures will stay in the chapters. WEBSITE –ITRS website working group login is 2010 ITRS, roadmap. These are case sensitive. ITRS Media Partner –Future Fab International NEW Look for the ITRS The ITRS is now all electronic –ALL Tables will stay in Excel files : Focus ITWGS files CrossCut ITWGs files ORTC file –Links to the 2009 ITRS chapters files –Links to other chapter files –Text for chapters will link to the tables files –Figures will stay in the chapters. WEBSITE –ITRS website working group login is 2010 ITRS, roadmap. These are case sensitive. ITRS Media Partner –Future Fab International NEW LOOK : ELECTRONIC ROADMAP
February 2010 L. Wilson 3 Forums sites for ITWGs are being built –Hosted by the SRC –Download and upload files –Post discussions –Receive notifications when your team posts files or messages. Required contact information for ITWG team members [domestic and international members]: –Name –Affiliation – –City –State/Province –Zip –Country ITWG chairs: Please send contact information to Linda Wilson ITRS WORKING GROUPS FORUMS SITES
February 2010 L. Wilson Update Guidelines Tables only are updated Potential solutions updated if corrections are needed. Maintain the TIMEFRAME as with the 2009 ITRS WAS-IS formatting is OPTIONAL 2010 Update Guidelines Tables only are updated Potential solutions updated if corrections are needed. Maintain the TIMEFRAME as with the 2009 ITRS WAS-IS formatting is OPTIONAL 2010 UPDATE KICK-OFF
February 2010 L. Wilson 5 Difficult Challenges Table Guidelines Near-term ( 16nm) Long-term (<16nm) TEN Total Challenges ONLY Target the Top 5 most difficult challenges for near-term ( 16nm) and the Top 5 most difficult challenges for long-term (<16nm) Difficult Challenges Table Guidelines Near-term ( 16nm) Long-term (<16nm) TEN Total Challenges ONLY Target the Top 5 most difficult challenges for near-term ( 16nm) and the Top 5 most difficult challenges for long-term (<16nm) 2010 UPDATE KICK OFF DIFFICULT CHALLENGES TABLES
February 2010 L. Wilson 6 Table files are available as starting point for update – Sent to all ITWG Chairs and posted online. Timeframe REMAINS AS Numbering for Tables, Figures, and Citations are self- consistent within each chapter. Tables and Figures keep the assigned prefix for each chapter, e.g., FEP tables start at FEP1; Lithography tables start at LITH UPDATE KICK OFF TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS TABLES
February 2010 L. Wilson 7 Technology Requirements Guidelines: Yellow cannot exist in next 1 year (2009) Red cannot exist in next 3 years (2009, 2010, 2011**) ** An ITWG can have an exception approved through the IRC: Solution NOT known, but does not prevent production manufacturing UPDATE KICK OFF TECHNOLOGY REQUIREMENTS TABLES
February 2010 L. Wilson 8 Potential Solutions Guidelines Potential Solutions are NOT UPDATED unless to correct Review solutions for assessed needs– do not select only one solution; provide for innovative answers Template for Potential Solution is provided as an EXCEL worksheet with the timeframe UPDATE KICK OFF POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS CHARTS
February 2010 L. Wilson 9 TABLES TEMPLATES Sent to each ITWG chair and ONLINE at the Working Group site The EXCEL files for ALL 2009 tables will be used as a starting point. –ALL tables and notes will be in the excel file. [even text tables] CHART TEMPLATES A EXCEL template will be provided for Potential Solutions figures in case these need to be updated TABLES TEMPLATES Sent to each ITWG chair and ONLINE at the Working Group site The EXCEL files for ALL 2009 tables will be used as a starting point. –ALL tables and notes will be in the excel file. [even text tables] CHART TEMPLATES A EXCEL template will be provided for Potential Solutions figures in case these need to be updated 2010 UPDATE KICK OFF AVAILABLE TEMPLATES 2010 UPDATE KICK OFF AVAILABLE TEMPLATES
February 2010 L. Wilson ITRS EventsMark your Calendar ! SPRING 2010 Host – ESIA ---DATES –April 8-9, 2010 ITRS ITWG/IRC Spring Workshop ---LOCATION –Casa Don Guanella SUMMER 2010 Host -- SIA ---DATES –July 11-13, 2010 ITRS ITWG/IRC Summer Workshop –July 14, 2010 Summer Public Conference --- LOCATION –Marriott Hotel, San Francisco WINTER 2010 Hosts – JEITA and SEMI Japan ---DATES –December 1-2, 2010 ITRS ITWG/IRC Winter Workshop LOCATION –Tsukuba International Congress Center, EPOCHAL TSUKUBA –December 3, 2010 ITRS Winter Public Conference LOCATION –MAKUHARI-Messe SPRING 2010 Host – ESIA ---DATES –April 8-9, 2010 ITRS ITWG/IRC Spring Workshop ---LOCATION –Casa Don Guanella SUMMER 2010 Host -- SIA ---DATES –July 11-13, 2010 ITRS ITWG/IRC Summer Workshop –July 14, 2010 Summer Public Conference --- LOCATION –Marriott Hotel, San Francisco WINTER 2010 Hosts – JEITA and SEMI Japan ---DATES –December 1-2, 2010 ITRS ITWG/IRC Winter Workshop LOCATION –Tsukuba International Congress Center, EPOCHAL TSUKUBA –December 3, 2010 ITRS Winter Public Conference LOCATION –MAKUHARI-Messe
February 2010 L. Wilson 11 The ITRS teams thank the following for their support for the ITRS : FRIENDS of the ITRS