THE RULES: All teams play each question Give each answer in the form of a question Host’s decisions are FINAL
And now…here is the host of Jeopardy… Mr. Rodrigue
Let’s Get Ready to play… Today’s Categories are:
General Bible
Two Kingdoms Two Kingdoms
Jesus the Way the Way
Paschal Mystery
Wild Cards Wild Cards
GeneralBible TwoKingdoms Jesus the Way PaschalMystery Evangelists DD FJ Wild Cards
The Bible was inspired by God and ___________ by people. Answer…
What is “written”? 100
The bible has this many books. Answer…
What is 73? 200
This approach thinks the bible is historically and scientifically accurate Answer…
What is Literal? 300
This approach tries to understand the author’s original intent in writing it Answer…
What is Contextual / Historical? 400
This approach to the Bible asks, “What does this mean for my life?” Answer…
What is Spiritual? 500
When I am concerned about this, I want lots of stuff and money Answer…
What is possessions? 100
When I am concerned about this, I am very concerned about what others think of me Answer…
What is approval? 200
When I am concerned about this, I am very concerned about how I look Answer…
What is appearance? 300
Happiness comes as a _______ _______ from God Answer…
What is a free gift? 400
Instead of worrying about the past and future, the Kingdom of God says I should not miss out on enjoying the _________ __________ Answer…
What is the present moment? 500
Jesus shows us the way by his __________ & ___________ Answer…
What is life & teaching? 100
Jesus’ life shows us what this looks like Answer…
What is a live lived for others? 200
Being changed by God’s love for us Answer…
What is Salvation? 300
Jesus is 100% this Answer…
What is human and divine (God)? 400
This means “in the flesh” Answer…
What is incarnation? 500
Desire for something with optimistic expectation Answer…
What is hope? 100
Absence or loss of hope Answer…
What is despair? 200
The cycle of Life – Death - Rebirth Answer…
What is the Paschal Mystery? 300
In the Kingdom of the World, death is this Answer…
What is the end and to be feared? 400
In the Kingdom of God, death is this Answer…
What is a new beginning? 500
The Four Evangelists Answer…
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? 100
Not one of the Synoptic Gospels Answer…
What is John? 200
Evangelist means this Answer…
What is Gospel Writer? 300
His gospel shows Jesus as the suffering saviour Answer…
Who is Mark? 400
The Three Stages of the development of the Gospels Answer…
What are: 1. Life 2. Preaching 3. Written? 500
The Word of God, written down Answer…
What is the Bible? 100
This means “seeing together” Answer…
What is synoptic? 200
Catholics read the Bible in these two ways Answer…
What is contextually and spiritually? 300
God became human so that we could become this Answer…
What is God? 400
This means, “anointed one”, “messiah” or “saviour” Answer…
What is Christ? 500
Daily Double How much do you want to wager? Daily Double Daily Double
CATEGORY: Parables How much do you want to wager? Proceed…
“Do unto others what you would have them do unto you” Proceed…
What is the Golden Rule? Proceed…
Thanks for PLAYING!
Credits Template Created by: Chad Kafka, Technology Support Teacher Franklin Public Schools Jeopardy sound effects used solely for the purpose of fun, entertainment, and education and NOT for profit.