Contact Information David B. Wood, ND LORD (5673) For TBN internal use only: David B. Wood, ND Trinity Family Health Clinic, PS – 33 rd Ave. W. Ste. 301 Lynnwood, WA 98036
Diabetes & Insulin Resistance Overweight – nearly 1 in 2 Americans! Central Obesity Insulin resistance Cells not responding to insulin properly Elevated blood sugar – Metabolic Syndrome or Diabetes Increased Risk – Diabetes Heart Disease Elevated Triglycerides, LDL Cholesterol Depressed level of ‘Good’ HDL Cholesterol Hypertension
Normal Insulin Regulation V Hypoglycemia V Insulin Resistance (Metabolic Syndrome) V Type ll Diabetes V Insulin Dependent Diabetes
Protocol Diet – High Fiber (25-35 grams/day) Avoid all refined/processed foods Five or more servings of vegetables/day Three servings of fruit/day One or more servings of Beans/Lentils/day One – Two servings of nuts/day Consider a fiber supplement ( fiber and reduce glycemic index of meals) Incorporate Low Carb bars as snack item (6-9 grams of fiber per bar)
Exercise/Stress Modification Combine aerobic & weight training Increase lean muscle mass/enhance metabolic rate De-stress your emotions – prayer, meditation, worship music Lower stress hormones – cortisol Reduce Insulin resistance (diet/supplements, exercise, stress reduction)
Laboratory Fasting: Glucose 2 hour post prandial (after eating) glucose Hemoglobin A1C (average blood sugar over 3-4 months) Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL
Physical Exam Waist-to-hip ratio (>o.8 women, >1.0 men associated with risk of insulin resistance) Blood Pressure
Oral Rx (Nutritional) Zone Balanced Functional Food with specialty nutrients for blood sugar control and correction of insulin resistance Multivitamin/mineral designed specifically for blood sugar/insulin resistance Treatment High in B vitamins, Biotin, Chromium Vanadium, Alpha R Lipoic Acid, L-Carnitine Diabetic? – Yes Add support (extra Chromium, Vanadium, Gymnema, Fenugreek, Quercetin, Biotin) Glucostat Diabetone
Fish Oil (EPA/DHA) Anti-inflammatory Promotes maintenance of blood sugar levels Fiber Supplement Reduces glycemic index Supports healthy cholesterol and heart health BioG EPA/DHA Ultra Fiber Plus
Conclusion Take care of your health! Be Proactive! Get thorough checkups and be a good steward of your health Why? To live a longer, healthier, more enjoyable life – to be better able to serve our LORD