Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 1 July 20, 2010 Inst and Meas WG: Objectives for GEC8 Meeting Review results from 2 nd I&M Workshop, held June 8-9 in Chicago Receive update on Measurement Activities in FIRE/PlanetLab Europe, from Tanja Zseby/Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Berlin Continue discussion of priority architecture topics, particularly I&M resources, and measurement data schema Identify next steps for WG
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 July 20, 2010 Inst and Meas WG: Final Set of Priority Topics Topic 1: GENI I&M Use Cases Topic 2: GENI I&M Services Topic 3: GENI I&M Resources Topic 4: GENI I&M Measurement Plane and Interfaces Topic 5: GENI I&M Interfaces and Messages/Flows/APIs : Manage Services Topic 6: GENI I&M Interfaces and Messages/Flows/APIs : Data Flows and Data File Transfers Topic 7: GENI I&M Interfaces and Messages/Flows/APIs : Service Registration and Discovery Topic 8: GENI I&M Interfaces and Messages/Flows/APIs : GUIs Topic 9: GENI Measurement Data Schema
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 July 20, 2010 GENI I&M WG: Next Steps Welcome additional team members for each priority topic –Via sign-up sheet and to WG Complete team discussion and first writing for each priority topic –Via web-ex conference calls and/or Assemble v0.5 DRAFT of Architecture Document –Based on first writings on each priority topic Discuss again each priority topic with teams –Consider all contributions as gathered in v0.5 DRAFT –Revise sections on each priority topic as appropriate Assemble v1.0 DRAFT of Architecture Document –Ready for review by WG at GEC9
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 July 20, 2010 Inst and Meas WG Meeting at GEC8 Thur, July 22, 9am – 10:30am Introductions (5min) Report from 2 nd I&M Workshop (June 8-9 in Chicago) on GENI I&M Priority Architecture Topics, by Harry Mussman/BBN GPO (15min) Update on Measurement Activities in FIRE/PlanetLab Europe by Tanja Zseby/Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Berlin (15min) Topic 3: I&M Resources: Naming, Discovery and Authorization, by Jim Griffioen/University of Kentucky (15min) Short reports on other Priority Topics from 2nd I&M Workshop: –Topic 1: Use Cases by Prasad Calyam/Ohio Supercomputing (5min) –Topic 5: Manage Services by Sonia Fahmy/Purdue (5min) –Topic 7: Registration and Discovery of Services by Jason Zurawski/Internet 2 (5min) –Topic 8: GUIs by Guilherme Fernandes/Univ Delaware (5min) Topic 9: Measurement Data Schema, by Martin Swany/Univ Delaware (15min) Next Steps for WG: Discussion (5min)