“Home Burial” The Literal Meaning Unique Annotations Pairing Form with Deeper Meaning
What do “Stopping by Woods…”, “The Road Not Taken”, “The Wood-Pile”, and “After Apple Picking” have in common? Setting: forest, away from village, winter, cold Use of foil: horse, woodchuck, bird Single character; journeyer on a journey Mostly set meter, set rhyme scheme Moves from specific to general
How is “Home Burial” Different? The Same? Two characters- maybe more… Blank Verse: Unrhymed Iambic pentameter Mostly Iambic Pentameter From Specific to General
Male Role/Female Role This is tricky! Intentional? Read carefully with a partner to distinguish speaking roles of husband and wife- mark this. Also, mark narration- 3 colors? Point out setting and conflict too as you use the guiding questions to facilitate annotations min
Dramatic Reading: Visualizing the Literal Meaning Groups of 3 Wife Husband Narration/Prop/Form Extraordinaire Maintain integrity of tone Only work with what you have- do not add language 5-10 minutes
Anything unique about form and meaning? Circle all the negative words (“no,” “not,” “never,” etc.). Why might Frost use this repetition? How does it equate to meaning? What is the last word of the poem and why do you think it is important? How does this fit with Frost’s style? How does punctuation equate to meaning? What is the double entendre (double meaning) of the title? Notice anything interesting with punctuation, line lengths, stanzas, enjambment, and form? How does this reveal meaning? Do you notice any sound devices? (alliteration, repetition, monosyllable words, sibilance, assonance, consonance, etc) Find an example of how sound helps reveal meaning.
Homework Complete ‘Design” - a short sweet poem where the title itself is indicative that we should be looking at the form of the poem. In your packet, please write a short summary of the literal meaning on ‘Design”. Finish annotations for “Home Burial”